Datatable for React based on material-ui's table with additional features
Pinned issues
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How to make a field uneditable when adding a new roe
#3257 opened by KevinMull - 0
Accessibility issues
#3256 opened by avimaymon - 0
Is there any documentation related to idSynonym?
#3255 opened by akigc - 1
Since update I have warning in my browser console: Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `columns` is marked as required in `MTableAction`, but its value is `undefined`.
#3248 opened by LeJav - 0
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material-table multiple select resets the table columns back to default
#3252 opened by bloodykheeng - 1
browser is freezing
#3237 opened by krishnaUIDev - 0
Title: WCAG 4.1.2: Ensures every form element has a label (.PrivateSwitchBase-input-317[value=""][data-indeterminate="false"])
#3247 opened by mihirprakash - 0
Filtering after typing text and pressing the Enter button
#3246 opened by NikSkor - 0
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'saveTooltip')
#3245 opened by BA-RTC - 0
Want to add Autocomplete in Show/Hide column menu
#3244 opened by amitfrontenddev - 1
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Need support to write unit test cases for custom sort using react enzyme (jest)
#3217 opened by AravindRavi95 - 1
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fs module cant resolve in version 1.69.3
#3220 opened by ranafaraznaru - 1
Support for peerDependency react@18
#3222 opened by kbrueckner - 1
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Export button icon customization OR export button functionality outside mui table.
#3224 opened by coderwith-zeroskills - 1
Row Ordering (DnD) feature, Help Please!
#3226 opened by SpeedSystem - 1
Expose totalCount in remote data feature
#3227 opened by damaon - 1
Row Unique Id for MaterialTable v4
#3228 opened by ofirTelecareBill - 1
Will there be a support for react 18?
#3229 opened by gnanesh05 - 1
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Snyk reports vulnerability at jspdf before 2.3.1
#3221 opened by skilledjs - 1
How to override parent/child first cell style?
#3233 opened by dfrancisc - 0
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Filter resets when an action happens
#3242 opened by hamza172 - 3
Is there any upgrade to MUI v5 and React 18?
#3231 opened by tiavina-mika - 0
headerStyle is not working.
#3239 opened by yanghyeryung - 0
Add custom style for the scrollbar
#3240 opened by tuningwan - 0
Disable default grouping.
#3238 opened by syadallah - 0
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What are the changes needed when using material-table 2.0.5 version with react 18.2?
#3235 opened by shajithomas32 - 0
How can I put a back button next to the title?
#3234 opened by cristiandjr - 10
Can't install library
#3209 opened by MarianCN - 1
while header span with multiple heading sorting is not working kindly help me thanks in advance.
#3213 opened by Shoukathsandy - 1
Hide expand icon on detailsPanel conditionally
#3214 opened by katekozlowska - 1
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Fixed columns does not work properly.
#3205 opened by martinow-wlad - 1
Bulk editing tree data is not working
#3206 opened by sean-accesscfa - 1
How to display only certain columns by default and allow the user to toggle their appearances by using the columns button
#3204 opened by kisyok - 1
Graphical Issues
#3212 opened by efcastro - 1
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Expose Data Manager Class to TypeScript
#3211 opened by amaster507 - 1
How update table styling after sorting?
#3218 opened by gabrielizalo - 1
Export Tree Data to PDF/CSV
#3202 opened by pratik-nagpure - 1
CoilumnsButton Issue when useState is used to retain the hidden column information.
#3200 opened by helloraj1986 - 1
onRowDelete no longer provides row id
#3201 opened by mosofsky