
AFU framework for streaming applications with CAPI.

Primary LanguageVHDLBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


AFU framework for streaming applications with CAPI connected FGPAs.

More info

Please note the following;

  • It is recommended to read the CAPI Users Guide before using this framework.

  • For now there is very limited instructions and documentation, but this will all be added later. An example project file for the Nallatech P385-A7 card with the Altera Stratix V GX A7 FPGA will also be added later. The current Computing Unit (CU) implements a simple memcpy function.

  • This framework runs in dedicated mode and was developed to be used with Linux.


This will be added later.


  • accelerator
    • lib - VHDL global packages
      • functions.vhd - Helper functions
      • psl.vhd - PSL constants and interface records
      • wed.vhd - WED record and parse procedure
    • pkg - VHDL packages
    • rtl - VHDL architectures
      • afu.vhd - PSL to AFU wrapper
      • control.vhd - Framework control
      • cu.vhd - Computing Unit - implements the actual AFU functionality
      • dma.vhd - Direct Memory Access
      • fifo.vhd - First-In-First-Out
      • frame.vhd - AFU top level
      • mmio.vhd - Memory-Mapped-Input-Output
      • ram.vhd - Random-Access-Memory
  • host
    • app - Host application sources
  • sim
    • pslse - PSL Simulation Engine sources
    • pslse.parms - PSLSE parameter file
    • pslse_server.dat - PSLSE server used by the host application to attach
    • shim_host.dat - Simulation host used by the PSLSE
    • vsim.tcl - Compilation and simulation script for vsim
    • wave.do - Wave script for vsim
  • Makefile - Global makefile


This will be added later.

AFU wrapper and Frame


Memory-Mapped-Input-Output (MMIO)

Direct Memory Access (DMA)

Computing Unit (CU)

The Computing Unit (CU) implements the actual function of the AFU.

Work-Element-Descriptor (WED)

DMA procedures

The dma_package defines a number of procedures that can be used to communicate with the DMA. They will be updated soon to match the specifications in the slides.

Read procedures
Write procedures


The following instructions target ModelSim (vsim).

Starting from release 15.0 of Quartus II, the included ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition (free) has mixed-language support, which is required for simulation of this framework with the current PSLSE.

It is assumed that the 32-bit version of vsim is installed in /opt/altera/15.0/modelsim_ase/ and /opt/altera/15.0/modelsim_ase/bin is added to your PATH.

Please note that all listed make commands should be executed from the root of this project.

Initial setup

  1. Clone the repository. enter the directory and initialize the submodules
git clone https://github.com/mbrobbel/capi-streaming-framework.git
cd capi-streaming-framework
git submodule update --init
  1. Set your VPI_USER_H_DIR environment variable to point to the include directory of your simulator e.g.:
export VPI_USER_H_DIR=/opt/altera/15.0/modelsim_ase/include
  1. Build the PSLSE:
make pslse-build

This will build the PSLSE with the DEBUG flag and the AFU driver for a 32-bit simulator.

  1. Build the host application for simulation:
make sim-build

Run simulation

  1. Start the simulator:
make vsim-run

This will start vsim and execute the vsim.tcl script, which will automatically compile the sources.

  1. Start simulation:

Use the following command in the vsim console to start the simulation.

  1. Open a new terminal and start the PSLSE:
make pslse-run
  1. Open a new terminal and run your host application. This will run your host application from the sim directory:
make sim-run ARGS="<number-of-cachelines-to-copy>"
  1. Wait for your host application to terminate then switch to the PSLSE terminal and kill (CTRL+C) the running PSLSE process to inspect the wave.


During development vsim can be kept running.

The vsim.tcl script also allows to quickly run the following commands again from the vsim console:

  • r - Recompile the HDL source files
  • s - Start the simulation
  • rs - Recompile the HDL source files and restart the simulation

FPGA build

This will be added later. A timing issue needs to be resolved first.