
repository for UF BME4409 to use for their collaborative coding assignment

Primary LanguagePython

BME4409 Quantitative Physiology - Fall 2022

For the Assignment - Establishing a collaborative python environment, you are charged with two tasks: (1) downloading and installing python (which will come in useful later in the semester when you use Neuron) and (2) contributing to a collaborative coding repository. This assignment is to help establish best practices for creating a collaborate coding environment, which will be important as you start working on your Semester Project.

Task 1: Download and install python

  • Install Python 3.9. There are many potential choices of ways to do this, but the easiest is likely using Acaconda: https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual
  • Create your first python script
    • Follow along with Getting started with Anaconda: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/user-guide/getting-started/
    • Complete a modified version of the Run Python in Spyder IDE for your sample python code that will be used in Task 2.
    • Install Spyder from the Applications pane
    • Launch Spyder
    • In a new file on the left, delete any placehold text, then type or copy/paste:
      • print(“Hello Quantitative Physiology Class”)
    • In the top menu, click File – Save As and name your program as LastName_FirstScript.py (where LastName should be replaced by your last name, so for Dr. FerrallFairbanks the sample code would be: FerrallFairbanks_FirstScript.py
    • Run your new program by clicking the triangle Run button
    • You should be able to see your program’s output in the bottom right of the Console pane.
    • To close Spyder, go to the top menu bar, select Spyder – Quit Spyder.

Task 2: Create a collaborative coding environment with your group

  • Complete the five steps in First Day on GitHub Learning Path: https://lab.github.com/githubtraining/first-day-on-github
  • Dr. Ferrall-Fairbanks (@mcfefa) has created a repository called QuantPhysCollabPythonHWFa22
  • Using the workflow outlined in the First Day on GitHub Learning Path and discussed in class, upload your sample python code from Task 1 into this repository
  • Optional: Download and use GitHubDesktop for managing your collaborative coding environment o https://desktop.github.com/

You will be evaluated by completing these two tasks through (a) uploading screenshots of successful python installation on your laptop on Canvas (10pts) and (2) successfully contributing your sample python code to the QuantPhysCollabPythonHWFa22 repository (10pts) before the deadline.