- asmith26
- be-sandersCastlelore Studios
- bhupendra-bhudia@quedexco
- bi3merBoston, MA
- bmahlbrandNew York, NY
- ChristophSalge
- cordellyeeLos Angeles
- cswhjiangShenzhen, China
- DaveSpragueArizona and Maine, United States
- DE3000Asmato Games
- dtccxNew York
- ehauckdoUniversity of Tsukuba
- evolvingfridge
- Fanakartal@RootGames
- fly51flyPRIS
- forrestbingAlibaba Inc
- IsawanPirum Systems
- ivanbravi
- JesseReynolds94
- kisenshi
- KleinTong
- LowWeiLin
- LyceaSomewhere near the lake of constance (Germany)
- McFunkypants
- mcgreentn@hitachisolutionsamerica
- michaelbraveLos Angeles, CA
- narnerSan Francisco
- NydhalArizona, US
- Plankton555Sweden
- prabhjotSLGodLabs
- ptigasUniversity of Oxford
- roy860328
- scotchfieldKingston, Ontario, Canada
- siennasun
- ymotehome
- zacoppotamusLondon / the Interzone