- 1
Latest LIFX Smart Downlight (AU store, SKU: MTDCWAU) not discoverable on local network
#193 opened by thatandrewguy - 0
- 2
Candle Colour should be a chain device
#156 opened by pcfidelity - 7
user error? or library?
#188 opened by spencercap - 0
Product: 181 (Unknown product)
#192 opened by bmp-dot - 0
String lights?
#191 opened by pkivolowitz - 7
- 1
On a computer with multiple NICs including onese from hyper-v and vmware I am getting -> OSError: [WinError 10051] A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network error.
#186 opened by Aiddy81 - 1
- 5
- 7
"It's no longer possible to auto initialise a bitstring from an integer" error
#181 opened by ath0rus - 1
Discovery not working - defining using MAC & IP
#187 opened by HaberHash - 3
- 4
get_devices() throws a "OSError: [WinError 10051] A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network" if a Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet is active
#164 opened by samclane - 0
[Example request] The most basic way to turn an individual, specific light on and off
#185 opened by Kommynct - 0
Having issues with a product
#178 opened by AndrewNolte - 3
bitstring 4.x .CreationError: Token with length 64 packed with value of length 0 (bits:64=0).
#173 opened by D-J-See - 4
- 2
- 4
Commands per second?
#127 opened by mapleleafs89 - 0
Issues on manjaro
#166 opened by Arndorferd - 3
- 20
Getting no bulbs, trying to use with ambience
#160 opened by Arndorferd - 5
Make any light switch 'smart' with lifxlan
#143 opened by eidermar - 1
Products Definition dependant on firmware
#159 opened by autolog - 2
- 2 does not work.
#157 opened by ceboxsell - 5
First Tile In Chain Has Wrong Orientation
#118 opened by CryptokidFH - 1
- 5
Discovery problem - Product List out-of-date
#138 opened by autolog - 1
Setting multizone light brightness correctly?
#141 opened by LinqLover - 4
`AttributeError: 'Device' object has no attribute 'set_color'` when calling "set_color" on Group object
#149 opened by samclane - 1
Light misclassified as Device
#154 opened by bdn96 - 2
Netifaces says has no attribute interfaces
#152 opened by juliandecoss - 1
Check if light is online
#151 opened by Moosjes - 4
Add Support For Candle Color bulbs
#140 opened by frakman1 - 3
- 2
What about get_label for Groups object
#130 opened by henryruhs - 1
Support firmware effects
#142 opened by LinqLover - 2
Lights failing to reply with acknowledgement. Can we get max retries and timeout as arguments?
#139 opened by aredon - 0
Not found GU10 LIFX bulb, but other yes
#132 opened by mikevador02 - 1
- 2
set_power(state,duration,rapid) not working
#124 opened by masterchop - 0
- 1
Using set_waveform with Groups
#120 opened by Nidocamen - 4
- 3
How do people feel about returning error codes instead of throwing WorkflowExceptions?
#113 opened by mclarkk - 0
Inconsistency with
#117 opened by mikcox - 3
Bulb does not send any packets back.
#112 opened by Rtyui - 1
unpack bug for LightSetColor message
#109 opened by FlyingDiver