
Primary LanguageCSS


A web-server for the MDIBL Axobase resource.

Making changes

*Note: This app is built on x86 architecture, which means that building on ARM architecture will fail.
To get around this, make and test changes on Random or another x86 machine.
Axobase is hosted on AWS App Runner, which deploys the AWS ECR image. \

Before building the new local image, remove old axobase images using 'docker images | grep "axo"'
Run 'docker rmi -f ' to remove the old images. \

Pull or clone the GitHub repo and make desired changes.
Then use 'docker compose up' to build the new image.
You can view the local changes via ssh tunnel to port 9100 of the server that you're testing on.
Example: ssh -L 9100:localhost:9100 username@random.mdibl.org
Then visit the url: localhost:9100 on your local system's browser \

Next, tag and push the image to our AWS ECR repo:
First, retrieve AWS credentials with
'aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 012870262837.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'

Tag the newly built image using 'docker tag axobase-axobase-app:latest 012870262837.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/axobase:latest'

Push the newly tagged image to ECR using 'docker push 012870262837.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/axobase:latest'

The App Runner service automatically detects the updated image and redeploys the service. This can be verified by navigating to the AWS AppRunner service in the console and/or waiting a few minutes and reloading axobase.org

Code Layout

The directory structure of a generated Revel application:

conf/             Configuration directory
    app.conf      Main app configuration file
    routes        Routes definition file

app/              App sources
    init.go       Interceptor registration
    controllers/  App controllers go here
    views/        HTML templates directory

messages/         Message files

public/           Public static assets
    css/          CSS files
    js/           Javascript files
    images/       Image files

tests/            Test suites