
A collection of bash and R scripts intended to automate principle components analysis

Primary LanguageR


This repository contains a pipeline that identifies unexpected variables in an expression data matrix. It performs normalization on the count matrix, PC Analysis, and regression on the PCs vs. experimental design. Once meaningful principal components are identified, their coordinates are captured into a modified design file, to perform further regression and, in case no correlation is found between PC and design equation variables, to be used for downstream analysis as surrogates of unexpected variable(s). #test


This repository is forked from the work of Bianca M. Massacci. The original repo can be found here https://github.com/BiancaMass/Automated_PCA_MDIBL.


  1. Requirements
  2. Input files format
  3. Operating instructions
  4. Outputs
  5. Provided files list
  6. Copyright and licensing
  7. Contact information
  8. Known bugs
  9. Credits and acknowledgments

1. Requirements

The pipeline is written in R scripts called from a bash script. R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)

Required packages

  1. DESeq2
  2. dplyr
  3. factoextra
  4. forestmangr
  5. genefilter
  6. ggplot2
  7. jsonlite
  8. knitr
  9. readr
  10. rmarkdown
  11. stringr

2. Input files format

Below are the format requirements for the input files.

  • Estimated counts matrix.
    • Text file, tab ("\t") separated.
    • Gene IDs are in rows, samples are in columns
    • The first column contains the row names (gene_ids)
    • The first row contains the column headers ("gene_id" and then sample names)


gene_id sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 sample6 sample7 sample8
ENSMUSG00000000001 2 3 4 7 3 5 1 3
ENSMUSG00000000037 10190 4432 2244 2797 2540 15565 4369 12606
ENSMUSG00000000078 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ENSMUSG00000000085 44 8 64 59 18 32 37 7
  • Design matrix
    • Text file, tab ("\t") separated
    • The first row contains column headers
    • The first column contains the sample names that need to be exactly the same as column names 2:N of the count matrix Note: if this is not the case, the program will throw an error and stop.
    • The other columns contain information about each sample


sample treatment site sex
sample1 drug liver F
sample2 drug liver M
sample3 drug kidney F
sample4 drug kidney M
sample5 control liver F
sample6 control liver M
sample7 control kidney F
sample8 control kidney M
  • JSON file
    • Contains the variables and file paths needed to run the pipeline
    • Template found in the /data directory of this repository
    • It should be structured as follows:

  "input_files": {
    "experiment_name": "experiment_name"
    "min_gene_tot_raw_count": 1,
            "design":"design ~ formula"

Numeric values displayed above correspond to default values. Follows a description of what each numeric parameter is used for:

  • "min_gene_tot_raw_count": 1,
  • "min_count_mean":0,
  • "mean_precentage_threshold":0.25,
  • "sd_precentage_threshold":0.25,
  • "R_squared_threshold":0.95,
  • "max_number_PC_regression":9

3. Operating instructions

To run the pipeline, do the following:

  1. Create a folder on your machine (parent folder), containing the following subfolders:
  • scripts
  • data
  1. Save your data (estimated count matrices and design files) in the data folder, together with the JSON input file (found in the /data folder of this GitHub repository). Note: there are specific formatting requirements for the design and count matrices files, as specified in the Input files section.

  2. Save the scripts from in the scripts folder (scripts are in the /scripts folder of this GitHub repository).

  3. Open your JSON input file (stored in parent_folder/data). Change the following variables to fit your file paths and desired parameters:

  • "infile1": full path to your design file. e.g. "/home/user/projects/pipeline/data/exp_design.txt"
  • "infile2": full path to your counts file. e.g. "/home/user/projects/pipeline/data/exp_estcounts.txt"
  • "experiment_name": name of your experiment. This is used to name output files. e.g. "exp"
  • "parent_folder": full path to your parent folder e.g. "/home/user/projects/pipeline"
  • "design_variables"$"design1": Column header from the design file e.g. "site". It should be identical to the header in the design file (no typos, careful with white spaces). This parameter is used to calculate the correlation between each meaningful PC and the parameter itself. The program calculates linear correlation with no interaction terms. It is also used to generate a correlation plot and to label points in a PC plot.
  • "design_variables"$"design2": Column header from the design file e.g. "treatment". It should be identical to the header in the design file (no typos, careful with white spaces). This parameter is used to calculate the correlation between each meaningful PC and the parameter itself. The program calculates linear correlation with no interaction terms. It is also used to generate a correlation plot and to label points in a PC plot. It can be empty.
  • "design_formula"$"design": The design formula used to construct a DESeq2 data set e.g. "~ group + treatment". This will be fed as the 'design' argument in DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(). Refer to the package documentation for more information on the design formula. Note: if there is no design formula, "~1" can be used for no design.

The other variables in the JSON file are numeric parameters that can be optionally changed to fit the analysis. Under the Input files section there is a description of what each numeric parameter is used for.

  1. In the terminal, cd to the parent_folder/scripts and call the bash script "bash_automated_pca.sh" with a single argument:
    • the path and name of the JSON input file (stored in parent_folder/data)

The command should look as follow:

bash bash_automated_pca.sh ~/path/2/your/parent/folder/ name_of_your_json.json

  1. The pipeline will run and save its outputs in sub-folders in the parent directory. See Outputs for more information.

4. Outputs

The outputs of the pipeline can be found in the following subdirectories:

  • /results
  • /figures
  • /report

Follows a description of each output file by storing directory. All .txt files are tab-separated.

  • /results:

    1. ExperimentName_design_meaningful.txt -> a copy of the design matrix with coordinates of the samples on each meaningful PC appended as new columns.

    2. ExperimentName_design.txt -> A copy of the input design file.

    3. ExperimentName_genecounts_means.txt ->

    4. ExperimentName_genecounts_sd.txt ->

    5. ExperimentName_json_copy.json -> A copy of the input JSON file, with appended file paths to output tables, figures and objects.

    6. ExperimentName_meaningful_pc_loading_scores.txt -> Loading scores only of the PC that were found to be meaningful through linear regression (see step 6).

    7. ExperimentName_pca_eigenvalues.txt -> Eigenvalues for all PC, including raw values, explained variance in percent, and cumulative explained variance in percent.

    8. ExperimentName_pca_loading_scores.txt -> Loading scores of all PCs.

    9. ExperimentName_pca_object.rds -> PCA R-object (RDS). Output of prcomp().

    10. ExperimentName_regression_pc_eigen.txt -> Results of the regression of Eigenvalues vs. component number as performed in step 6.

    11. ExperimentName_rld_normalized.txt or. ExperimentName_vst_normalized.txt -> Respectively, result of the rlog() or vst() normalization performed in step 2. Choice of function depends on matrix size (cut-off: ncol count matrix <= 30 for rlog(), else vst()).

    12. ExperimentName_xxxxxx_correlation.txt -> Output of the correlation test between each meaningful PC and the variable indicated in JSON -> design_variables -> design1. xxxxxx stands for that variable.

    13. ExperimentName_yyyyyy_correlation.txt -> Output of the correlation test between each meaningful PC and the variable indicated in JSON -> design_variables -> design2. yyyyyy stands for that variable. Optional, only if yyyyyy exists.

    14. ExperimentName_Z_mean_stdev.txt -> The counts table, after Z-transformation, with mean and sd after rlog() or vst() normalization (used for the Z-transformation itself).

    15. ExperimentName_Z_normalized.txt -> The counts table, after Z-transformation (step 3).

    16. ExperimentName_Z_threshold.txt -> The counts table after Z-transformation, and filtered for sufficient variation and expression level (step 4). Thresholds are indicated in JSON -> input_variables -> sd_precentage_threshold and JSON -> input_variables -> mean_precentage_threshold

  • /figures:

    1. ExperimentName_cor_plot_1.png : Correlation plot between design_variables$design1 from the JSON and the coordinate of each sample on each meaningful PC.

    2. ExperimentName_cor_plot_2.png : Optional plot, only if design_variables$design2 exists. Correlation plot between design_variables$design2 from the JSON and the coordinate of each sample on each meaningful PC.

    3. ExperimentName_log10scree_plot.png : Scree plot with Eigenvalues converted to log10.

    4. ExperimentNamemean_histogram.png : Histogram of the raw standard deviations (of each gene across all samples). The dotted line represent filtering threshold as indicated in json$input_variables$mean_precentage_threshold.

    5. ExperimentNamePC1_PC2.png : PC1 vs. PC2 coordinates with percentage of variance explained. Text is determined by json$design_variables$design1, color by json$design_variables$design2.

    6. ExperimentNamePC2_PC3.png : PC2 vs. PC3 coordinates with percentage of variance explained. Text is determined by json$design_variables$design1, color by json$design_variables$design2.

    7. ExperimentNameraw_mean_sd.png : mean vs. sd for each gene across sample of the raw count matrix.

    8. ExperimentName_regression_plot.png : Linear regression of the log10 Eigenvalues vs. PC number for 1->N, 2->N.... x->N where N is the total number of PCs and x is the max number of regressions as indicated in json$input_variables$max_number_PC_regression.

    9. ExperimentName_rlog_vsd_mean_sd.png : mean vs. standard deviation for each gene across sample of the standardized count matrix (with DESeq2::rlog or DESeq2::vst).

    10. ExperimentNamescree_plot.png : Regular scree plot of the experiment.

    11. ExperimentNamesd_histogram.png : Histogram of the raw standard deviations (of each gene across all samples). The dotted line represent filtering threshold as indicated in json$input_variables$mean_precentage_threshold.

    12. ExperimentNameZ_mean_sd.png : mean vs. standard deviation of each gene across all samples after Z-transormation (sd should be == 1, mean should be very close to 0).

  • /report:

    1. ExperimentName_results.html : The automated report with a summary of each step, plots, and outputs.

5. Provided files list

The files provided and needed for the correct functioning of the pipeline are the following:

  • /scripts:

    1. automated_report.R
    2. automated_pca.sh
    3. final_report.Rmd
    4. step_00.R
    5. step_01.R
    6. step_02.R
    7. step_03.R
    8. step_04.R
    9. step_05.R
    10. step_06.R
    11. step_07.R
  • /data:

    1. pipeline_input_file.json

6. Copyright and licensing

7. Contact information

For any questions please contact Joel Graber at jhgraber[at]mdibl.org.

8. Known bugs