This repository contains code to make Hive and PLSDA plots used for metabolomic data sets
This repository contains the code that was used to create hive plots and PLSDA plots for the cited paper below. Hive plots are useful plots for making sense of messy interconected data, like network data. For Hive plots, the origional javascript D3 code was taken from With modifications and custom suporting scripts for the current implementation. Please cite the origional source and the manuscipt below.
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Increases in bioactive lipids accompany early metabolic changes associated with β-cell expansion in response to short-term high-fat diet Maxim D Seferovic 1, Christine A Beamish 2, Rockann E Mosser 3,4, Shannon E Townsend 5, Kirk Pappan 6, Vincent Poitout 7, Kjersti M Aagaard 1, Maureen Gannon 3,4,5. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Dec 1;315(6):E1251-E1263. 1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, Texas. 2 Department of Surgery, Houston Methodist Hospital Research Institute , Houston, Texas. 3 Department of Veterans Affairs , Nashville, Tennessee. 4 Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center , Nashville, Tennessee. 5 Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt University , Nashville, Tennessee. 6 Metabolon, Inc. , Durham, North Carolina. 7 Montreal Diabetes Research Center , Montreal , Canada.