Senior Java Developer with a passion for Mathematics and Computer Science, and an interest in PLT and Creative Coding.
DB1 GroupSão José dos Campos - SP
mdssjc's Following
- professorisidroIsiFLIX Studio
- alice-i-cecileBevy Foundation
- hayleigh-dot-dev
- processingBoston, New York, Los Angeles, Worldwide
- rrousselGit
- filiphRaindead
- RedBrogdonGoogle, Inc.
- mhadailyMicrosoft
- mkobuolysBillo
- folivetti@UFABC-HAL
- wh0isdxk@Nubank
- matthew-carrollSuperDeclarative!
- craiglabenzGoogle
- fullmersOslo, Norway
- TheWCKDFlutterly
- razshareItaly
- Samuel-OliveiraSW Software e Consultoria
- bizz84
- onlurkingTIKR
- eudangeldSão Paulo - Brazil
- felangel@shorebirdtech
- ResoDev@ResoCoder
- BartoszMilewskiProgramming Cafe
- shiffman@CodingTrain @ITPNYU @processing @ml5js @nature-of-code @Programming-from-A-to-Z
- joshlongthe Spring team at Broadcom (
- springframeworkguruSpring Framework Guru
- WilfredBay Area, USA
- abo-abo@wavemm
- douglascraigschmidtVanderbilt University
- puredanger@nubank, @strangeloop
- richhickeyNY
- mflattPLT, University of Utah
- unclebobUncle Bob Consulting LLC.
- lexi-lambdaChicago, IL