- 10
bun compat issue
#144 opened by RokoTechnology - 5
`max: 0` doesn't disable cache.
#145 opened by monkekode - 2
Memory leak when using `maxAge` on node.js
#142 opened by benoitkoenig - 2
Codecov badge
#141 opened by drazisil - 2
Found a mistake here that breaks our Pipeline
#139 opened by jshamg - 20
typo in engines.node
#136 opened by perrefe - 10
memoizee@0.4.16 is broken due to node requirement
#135 opened by j-fulbright - 7
Package is showing a vulnerability
#133 opened by mfernandes-alcumus - 6
How to deal with functions taking dict args?
#120 opened by dheera - 5
Option to return prior cached value on update failure
#132 opened by cdhowie - 1
max option does not work with promise option
#131 opened by jackgeek - 7
Is there a way to dynamically configure the size?
#128 opened by mfbx9da4 - 2
- 11
Allow `maxAgeSinceAccess` in addition to `maxAge`
#126 opened by blackarctic - 3
Cannot import memoizee
#124 opened by valerii15298 - 2
Why is the memoizee so slow?
#127 opened by rudimadima - 1
Memoizing a function without arguments
#125 opened by jkantr - 2
replace `es5-ext` with `core-js@^3`
#123 opened by bowencool - 1
feat: let default nomalizer be more general
#122 opened by jjangga0214 - 6
Rollup fails to bundle memoizee correctly
#121 opened by IamTheHttp - 1
setter method
#119 opened by yarosdev - 5
Callback for cache access
#118 opened by ThomWright - 2
- 1
- 3
Doesn't work with snowpack.
#113 opened by MarkLyck - 4
Dependency on "D" renders this useless
#112 opened by mssngr - 3
Cannot find module 'event-emitter'
#111 opened by perstromswe - 6
Memoize options hash argument by identity
#110 opened by richardscarrott - 1
typescript import if WeakMap mode
#109 opened by amitm02 - 1
Is this package Angular AOT compatible?
#108 opened by asherbig - 1
File does not exist
#107 opened by stovak - 2
memoizee in TypeScript's class?
#104 opened by jacek-jablonski - 1
Don't memoize undefined
#103 opened by earonesty - 4
How cache could be not saved in some cases?
#102 opened by GlebDolzhikov - 1
CI tests are running against legacy node
#101 opened by amilajack - 2
Idea: memoizing observables
#98 opened by Rush - 2
Different cache id resolution per argument
#99 opened by amaury1093 - 2
Add option for custom profiler
#96 opened by faboulaws - 3
- 5
can't figure out why cache is being hit
#94 opened by SeeThruHead - 3
Rejected Promise stays in Cache
#93 opened by john681611 - 2
Is there a way to geep cache alive until the provided function does not throw?
#92 opened by aalexgabi - 1
- 1
Non npm/build-library file?
#90 opened by PandaWood - 3
Best way to test memoized functions?
#88 opened by plasticrake - 4
Unhandled rejection; breaking change
#87 opened by gajus - 1
- 2
- 2
Fallback to the old cache
#85 opened by SzybkiSasza - 1
Naming cache buckets for profiling
#82 opened by hem-brahmbhatt