
Analysis and data accompanying the following publication: "Genome-wide characterization of the Caenorhabditis elegans intestine GATA transcription factor ELT-2" by Williams et al.

The analysis was performed using Rstudio and Rmarkdown documents. HTML renderings of these analyses are provided.

Repository structure

  • \DATA: contains input data for ELT-2 ChIP-seq aquired for the modERN database and FACS-isolated intestine RNA-seq data
  • \David: contains analysis related to ELT-2 ChIP-seq, including peak-to-gene assignment
  • \Rob: contains analysis related to FACS-isolated intestine RNA-seq, and ELT-2 target response to elt-2(-)

Each analysis directory contains three sub-directories: 01_input, 02_scripts, and 03_output. In 01_input additional data in stored necessary for the specific analysis. 02_scripts contains the Rmarkdown files used to perform the analysis. 03_output contains and files that were generated from the analysis including plots and text files.


To perform the analysis in this repository, clone the repository. Ensure you have installed R (version 4.1.0) and Rstudio (Version 1.4.1106). Open the relevant .Rproj file. Package installation commands for the relevant Rmarkdown analysis file are included in the first code chunk.