

  • Qt5 (Qt5::Core, Qt5::Widgets)
  • SMPL ( SMPL can be built standalone as a CMake project and installed system-wide:
    • Go to smpl/smpl/ and build as a CMake project (see instructions at
    • Install system-wide (make install) to run cdf_cpp as is, because it includes SMPL with abosolute paths)

Note: The SMPL dependency is quite small. Removing it as a dependency is ongoing.

Instructions: (more detailed instructions and examples coming soon)


Build as a regular CMake project:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make [-j$(nproc)]

(builds in Release mode by default)


Generate rectangular Boustrophedon coverage patterns

To generate coverage patterns that include all rectangles within a 10 cells x 10 cells area, run:

./gen_pattern_no_sampling 10 10

This generates the file patterns_10_10.txt in the patterns/ directory.

Run the planner with these patterns and Qt visualization

./persistent ../maps/test/ ../patterns/patterns_30_30.txt 2.0

More details on build and run instructions as well as information on generating pattern files in progress. In the meantime, I am available at for urgent questions.