• The first step is to do some preprocessing on the input FASTQ files. the pipeline assumes the reads are in a directory arranged in the following format:
/input_directory/sample_name_R1_001.fastq.gz # Read1 of DNA fragment
/input_directory/sample_name_R2_001.fastq.gz # Index (barcode) read
/input_directory/sample_name_R3_001.fastq.gz # Read2 of DNA fragment

For example:


The following script wraps the methyl_fastq_pipeline.py into a SLURM job with two input variables required for input: input_directory and sample_name

~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_fastq_pipeline.sh /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/methyl_seq/nextseq xBO87_ATAC_S1

Other examples submitted with sbatch

sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_fastq_pipeline.sh /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140/fastqs xBO140a_S1
sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_fastq_pipeline.sh /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140_nova xBO140_novaseq
sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_fastq_pipeline.sh /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO153 xBO153_ATAC_240606_S1

The pipeline currently is harcoded with the assumption that R2 is 24nt long and has 8nt of splint adapter CAGACGCG at the beginning and reverse compliment of 10x ATAC barcodes from 9-24. It is also harcoded to clip first 11nt and last 2nt of R1 first 2nt and last 2nt of R3 reads. These options can be modified by modifying extract_clean_fastq function within methyl_utils.py script

The pipeline does several steps including splitting, trimming, barcode transfer from index reads into cDNA reads, potentially quality filtering reads, and collecting raw barcodes for barcode matching.

  • After this step we run a simple script which submits MANY jobs to the HPC for each chunk of fastq
python ~/methylation/methyl_alignment_pipeline.py \
        -r /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/GRCm39_full \
        -i /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140/fastqs \
        -s xBO140a_S1 -b -j

python ~/methylation/methyl_alignment_pipeline.py \
        -r /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/GRCm39_full \
        -i /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140_nova \
        -s xBO140_novaseq -b -j

To monitor the state of each aligment job we can look at last line of the log which contains total number of reads processed so far

find . -type f -name 'methylation_extractor_job_*' -exec tail -n 1 {} \;
  • After alignment postprocessing and count matrix generation is done with the second SLURM pipeline: Required arguments are window_size for binning, context which can be two values Non_CpG_context and CpG_context and fasta index of the reference used in alignment two such indices are available in data folder human GRCh38_v44_chrs.fasta and mouse GRCm39_v34_allcontigs.fasta.fai
~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_bam_mtx_pipeline.sh /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/methyl_seq/nextseq xBO87_ATAC_S1 50000 

~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_bam_mtx_pipeline.sh /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140/fastqs xBO140a_S1 100000 Non_CpG_context ~/methylation/data/GRCm39_v34_allcontigs.fasta.fai

sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_bam_mtx_pipeline.sh \
        /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140/fastqs \
        xBO140a_S1 \
        200000 \
        CpG_context \
sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_bam_mtx_pipeline.sh \
        /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140_nova \
        xBO140_novaseq \
        100000 \
        CpG_context \
  • For very large datasets we split the pipeline into pieces and submit them as array jobs:

This is an array job SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID is embedded as an input argument to save_quad_batch.py. Each which subsequently splits the parts into batches of 12 and processess them in pools of two using 2 cores. TASK_ID will determine which 12-part batch of parts the task will process. TASK_ID 1 will process parts 000 to 011, TASK_ID 4 will process parts 036 to 047 and so on.

sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_save_quad_batch.sh \
        /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140_nova \
sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_aggregate_quad_parts.sh \
        /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140_nova \
        xBO140_novaseq \
  • To Build count matrices from batches, we first make matrix from each batch and then stack them
sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_make_count_mtx.sh \
        /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140_nova \
        xBO140_novaseq \
        100000 \
        Non_CpG_context \
sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_stack_mtx.sh \
        /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140_nova \
        xBO140_novaseq \
        100000 \
        CpG_context \
  • To Build final bam with duplications and barcodes marked We first tag them
sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/SLURM_tag_bam_parts.sh \
        /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140_nova \

After tagging all bam parts we can aggregate and mark duplicates using the following:

sbatch ~/methylation/scripts/bam_merge.sh \
        /n/scratch/users/m/meb521/xBO140_nova \