Introduction to R for Biologists

Authors: Maria Doyle, Jessica Chung, Vicky Perreau

Rendered HTML workshop document is hosted here:

The HTML document with embedded solutions is here:

And the cheatsheet is here:

The PDF is rendered without the exercise solutions. To render the PDF document:

# Create a R markdown document without solutions
# (remove the lines between the button tag and the closing div tag)
awk 'BEGIN{out=1} /button onclick/{out=0; next} /<\/div>/{out=1} out' \
        intro_r_biologists_with_solutions.Rmd \
    | grep -v '!-- end solutions --' \
    > intro_r_biologists.Rmd

# Then knit to HTML in RStudio

# Make figures smaller and remove the ⓘ unicode character for the PDF file
cat intro_r_biologists.Rmd \
    | sed 's/# knitr::opts_chunk/knitr::opts_chunk/' \
    | sed 's/ⓘ /[INFO] /' \
    | sed -E 's,</?p>,\n-----\n,' \
    > intro_r_biologists_pdf.Rmd

# Then knit to PDF in RStudio and rename
mv intro_r_biologists_pdf.pdf intro_r_biologists.pdf