[Template] TypeScript + OpenAPI + Serverless Project

Starter project for TypeScript REST API applications compliant with OpenAPI 3.0 specification(formerly Swagger) that gets auto-generated from the code for maximally efficient development experience, integrated with express and serverless frameworks.


Thanks to tsoa:

  • TypeScript controllers and entities as a single source of truth for your API
  • A valid OpenAPI specification is generated from your code
  • jsDoc supported for object descriptions (most other metadata can be inferred from TypeScript types)
  • Built-in request payload validation inferred from entity TypeScript types and/or jsDoc comments
  • Integrated with express

Thanks to inversify:

  • Lightweight inversion of control container for TypeScript
  • Provides with set of TypeScript decorators that effectively integrate with tsoa controllers and services

Thanks to node-config:

  • Zero-config application configuration library
  • Allows for defining a set of default paramaters that can be extended for different deployment environments (dev, staging, prod, test, etc.) or overriden by environment variables, command line parameters, or external sources
  • Provides a consistent configuration interface

Thanks to serverless:

  • Uses YAML syntax to deploy both the code and cloud infrastructure
  • Single command to deploy the project to AWS

Thanks to @vendia/serverless-express:

Thanks to jest and supertest:

  • End-to-end API testing
  • Integration testing
  • Unit testing

Thanks to swagger-ui-express:

  • Automatically generated OpenAPI documentation page accessible under /docs endpoint



To create new serverless TypeScript + OpenAPI + Serverless project using this template follow the link below:

Create New Repository

Once new repository is created from this template you can clone your newly created project:

git clone <your-new-project-github-url> <target-directory>

Change directory to the one containing your newly created project:

cd <target-directory>


npm install


