Awesome Evidential Deep Learning

A curated publication list on evidential deep learning.

This repository was built to facilitate navigating the mainstream on evidential deep learning*.

Last updated: 2024/08

Table of Contents


ID Year Venue Title PDF
1 2022 arXiv A survey on uncertainty reasoning and quantification for decision making: Belief theory meets deep learning PDF
2 2022 IJCAI Evidential reasoning and learning: a survey PDF
3 2023 TMLR Prior and posterior networks: A survey on evidential deep learning methods for uncertainty estimation PDF
4 2024 arXiv A comprehensive survey on evidential deep learning and its applications PDF

Theoretical Explorations

Reformulating Evidence Collection Process

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2017 NeurIPS EDL Evidential deep learning to quantify classification uncertainty PDF GitHub stars
2 2023 ICML RED Learn to accumulate evidence from all training samples: Theory and practice PDF GitHub stars
3 2023 ICML I-EDL Uncertainty estimation by fisher information-based evidential deep learning PDF GitHub stars
4 2023 AAAI - Post-hoc uncertainty learning using a dirichlet meta-model PDF -
5 2024 ICLR R-EDL R-EDL: Relaxing Nonessential Settings of Evidential Deep Learning PDF GitHub stars
6 2024 ICLR Hyper EDL Hyper Evidential Deep Learning to Quantify Composite Classification Uncertainty PDF GitHub stars

Improving Uncertainty Estimation via OOD Samples

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2019 arXiv - Quantifying classification uncertainty using regularized evidential neural networks PDF Dropbox
2 2020 AAAI GEN Uncertainty-aware deep classifiers using generative models PDF Ipynb
3 2021 AAAI WENN Multidimensional uncertainty-aware evidential neural networks PDF GitHub stars
4 2023 Sci Rep m-EDL Learning and predicting the unknown class using evidential deep learning PDF GitHub stars
5 2023 KDD - Knowledge from uncertainty in evidential deep learning PDF -

Delving into Different Training Strategies

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2019 AABI BEDL Bayesian evidential deep learning with PAC regularization PDF -
2 2021 WACV Risk EDL Misclassification risk and uncertainty quantification in deep classifiers PDF -
3 2022 arXiv TEDL Tedl: A two-stage evidential deep learning method for classification uncertainty quantification PDF -
4 2022 NeurIPS Workshop Hybrid-EDL Hybrid-edl: Improving evidential deep learning for uncertainty quantification on imbalanced data PDF GitHub stars
5 2022 CVPR Units-ML Multidimensional belief quantification for label-efficient meta-learning PDF -
6 2022 ICLR ETP Evidential Turing Processes PDF GitHub stars

Deep evidential regression

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2020 NeurIPS DER Deep evidential regression PDF GitHub stars
2 2021 arXiv MDER Multivariate deep evidential regression PDF -
3 2021 NeurIPS MoNIG Trustworthy multimodal regression with mixture of normal-inverse gamma distributions PDF GitHub stars
4 2022 AAAI MT-ENet Improving evidential deep learning via multi-task learning PDF GitHub stars
5 2023 AAAI - The unreasonable effectiveness of deep evidential regression PDF GitHub stars
6 2023 AAAI ECNP Evidential conditional neural processes PDF -
7 2024 AAAI - The evidence contraction issue in deep evidential regression: Discussion and solution PDF GitHub stars
8 2024 AAAI UR-ERN Uncertainty regularized evidential regression PDF -
9 2024 WACV DUC-VAR Evidential uncertainty quantification: A variance-based perspective PDF GitHub stars

EDL Enhanced Machine Learning

Weakly Supervised Learning

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2022 ECCV DELU Dual-evidential learning for weakly-supervised temporal action localization PDF GitHub stars
2 2022 ECCV OpenVAD Towards open set video anomaly detection PDF GitHub stars
3 2023 CVPR CELL Cascade Evidential Learning for Open-world Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization PDF GitHub stars
4 2023 CVPR CMPAE Collecting cross-modal presence-absence evidence for weakly-supervised audio-visual event perception PDF GitHub stars
5 2023 TPAMI VEL Vectorized Evidential Learning for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization PDF -
6 2024 ICML MIREL Weakly-Supervised Residual Evidential Learning for Multi-Instance Uncertainty Estimation PDF GitHub stars

Transfer Learning

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2021 CVPR DECISION Unsupervised multi-source domain adaptation without access to source data PDF GitHub stars
2 2022 OpenReview - Modeling Unknown Semantic Labels as Uncertainty in the Prediction: Evidential Deep Learning for Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation PDF -
3 2022 arXiv BEL Bayesian evidential learning for few-shot classification PDF -
4 2022 AAAI TNT Evidential neighborhood contrastive learning for universal domain adaptation PDF -
5 2023 ICCV CEDL Continual Evidential Deep Learning for Out-of-Distribution Detection PDF GitHub stars
6 2024 CVPR FEAL Think Twice Before Selection: Federated Evidential Active Learning for Medical Image Analysis with Domain Shifts PDF GitHub stars
7 2024 TPAMI EAAF Evidential Multi-Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation PDF GitHub stars
8 2024 OpenReview BKD Bayesian Knowledge Distillation for Online Action Detection PDF -
9 2024 arXiv UGA Uncertainty-Guided Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Regression PDF -
10 2024 CVPR MADA Revisiting the Domain Shift and Sample Uncertainty in Multi-source Active Domain Transfer PDF GitHub stars

Active Learning

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2022 MICCAI CSEAL Consistency-based semi-supervised evidential active learning for diagnostic radiograph classification PDF -
2 2023 ICLR MEH + HUA Active learning for object detection with evidential deep learning and hierarchical uncertainty aggregation PDF GitHub stars
3 2023 ICLR EDAL Evidential uncertainty and diversity guided active learning for scene graph generation PDF -
4 2023 NeurIPS ADL Multifaceted uncertainty estimation for label-efficient deep learning PDF -
5 2023 Deep Learning Applications Deal Deal: Deep evidential active learning for image classification PDF -
6 2024 CVPR --- Evidential Active Recognition: Intelligent and Prudent Open-World Embodied Perception PDF -

Multi-View Classification

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2022 TPAMI TMC/ETMC Trusted multi-view classification with dynamic evidential fusion PDF GitHub stars
2 2022 TII EMDL Uncertainty-aware multiview deep learning for internet of things applications PDF -
3 2023 CVPR UIMC Exploring and exploiting uncertainty for incomplete multi-view classification PDF -
5 2023 MICCAI --- A reliable and interpretable framework of multi-view learning for liver fibrosis staging PDF -
6 2023 Remote Sensing --- Credible remote sensing scene classification using evidential fusion on aerial-ground dual-view images PDF -
7 2024 AAAI --- Reliable conflictive multi-view learning PDF GitHub stars

Multi-label Learning

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2022 ICASSP PENet Seed: Sound event early detection via evidential uncertainty PDF -
2 2023 CVPR MULE Open set action recognition via multi-label evidential learning PDF GitHub stars
3 2023 Artificial Intelligence --- DEED: DEep Evidential Doctor PDF GitHub stars
4 2023 ICASSP TMSDC Towards trustworthy multi-label sewer defect classification via evidential deep learning PDF -
5 2023 ICASSP MTENN Multi-Label Temporal Evidential Neural Networks for Early Event Detection PDF -

Reinfocement Learning

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2023 ICML DTS-ERA Deep temporal sets with evidential reinforced attentions for unique behavioral pattern discovery PDF GitHub stars
2 2023 NeurIPS FGRM Uncertainty estimation for safety-critical scene segmentation via fine-grained reward maximization PDF GitHub stars

Graph Neural Network

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2020 NeurIPS GKDE Uncertainty aware semi-supervised learning on graph data PDF GitHub stars
2 2024 ICLR - Uncertainty-aware Graph-based Hyperspectral Image Classification PDF GitHub stars

EDL in Downstream Applications

Computer Vision

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2019 MICCAI - Quantifying and leveraging classification uncertainty for chest radiograph assessment PDF -
2 2021 ICCV DEAR Evidential Deep Learning for Open Set Action Recognition PDF GitHub stars
3 2022 MM - Uncertainty-aware 3d human pose estimation from monocular video PDF -
4 2022 Cognitive Computation EviDCNN-3WC Three-way image classification with evidential deep convolutional neural networks PDF -
5 2022 CVPR OpenTAL Opental: Towards open set temporal action localization PDF GitHub stars
6 2022 MM - Evidential Reasoning for Video Anomaly Detection PDF -
7 2022 Pattern Recognition - Uncertainty estimation for stereo matching based on evidential deep learning PDF -
8 2022 MICCAI TBraTS Tbrats: Trusted brain tumor segmentation PDF -
9 2023 IEEE RAL EvPSNet Uncertainty-aware panoptic segmentation PDF -
10 2023 MM FOOD HSIC-based Moving Weight Averaging for Few-Shot Open-Set Object Detection PDF GitHub stars
11 2023 MICCAI UML Uncertainty-informed mutual learning for joint medical image classification and segmentation PDF -
12 2023 ICCV ELF ELFNet: Evidential Local-global Fusion for Stereo Matching PDF GitHub stars
13 2023 MM - Learning Discriminative Feature Representation for Open Set Action Recognition PDF -
14 2024 AAAI EUMS-3D Evidential Uncertainty-Guided Mitochondria Segmentation for 3D EM Images PDF -
15 2024 TGRS SSEL Spectral-Spatial Evidential Learning Network for Open-Set Hyperspectral Image Classification PDF -

Natural Language Processing

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2022 ICWS ETGNN Evidential temporal-aware graph-based social event detection via dempster-shafer theory PDF -
2 2023 ACL Findings E-NER E-NER: Evidential Deep Learning for Trustworthy Named Entity Recognition PDF GitHub stars
3 2024 IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng UCL-SED Uncertainty-guided Boundary Learning for Imbalanced Social Event Detection PDF GitHub stars

Cross-modal Learning

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2021 NeurIPS MoNIG Trustworthy multimodal regression with mixture of normal-inverse gamma distributions PDF GitHub stars
2 2022 ICRA USNet Fast road segmentation via uncertainty-aware symmetric network PDF GitHub stars
3 2022 IJRA DEF Deep evidential fusion network for medical image classification PDF -
4 2022 MM DECL Deep Evidential Learning with Noisy Correspondence for Cross-modal Retrieval PDF GitHub stars
5 2023 NeurIPS PAU Prototype-based Aleatoric Uncertainty Quantification for Cross-modal Retrieval PDF GitHub stars
6 2023 MM DCEL DCEL: Deep Cross-modal Evidential Learning for Text-Based Person Retrieval PDF -
8 2023 arXiv - Integrating Large Pre-trained Models into Multimodal Named Entity Recognition with Evidential Fusion PDF -
9 2024 Information Fusion DDEF Dual-level Deep Evidential Fusion: Integrating multimodal information for enhanced reliable decision-making in deep learning PDF -

Automatic Driving

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2019 IVS - Deep, spatially coherent inverse sensor models with uncertainty incorporation using the evidential framework PDF -
2 2021 ICRA - Efficient and robust lidar-based end-to-end navigation PDF -
3 2022 ICRA - Robust monocular localization in sparse hd maps leveraging multi-task uncertainty estimation PDF -
4 2023 Arxiv - Distil the informative essence of loop detector data set: Is network-level traffic forecasting hungry for more data? PDF -
5 2023 ICCV DELO DELO: Deep Evidential LiDAR Odometry using Partial Optimal Transport PDF -
6 2023 T-RO EVORA Evora: Deep evidential traversability learning for risk-aware off-road autonomy PDF GitHub stars
7 2023 CoRL - Interpretable self-aware neural networks for robust trajectory prediction PDF GitHub stars
8 2023 AAAI TrEP Trep: Transformer-based evidential prediction for pedestrian intention with uncertainty PDF GitHub stars

EDL in the Open-World

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2023 TII - Trustworthy fault diagnosis with uncertainty estimation through evidential convolutional neural networks PDF -
2 2023 ICLR AREO Adaptive Robust Evidential Optimization For Open Set Detection from Imbalanced Data PDF GitHub stars
3 2023 AAAI ANEDL Adaptive Negative Evidential Deep Learning for Open-set Semi-supervised Learning PDF -
4 2024 ICML MET Meta Evidential Transformer for Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition PDF GitHub stars
5 2024 AAAI EOD Towards Evidential and Class Separable Open Set Object Detection PDF GitHub stars

EDL for Science

ID Year Venue Abbr Title PDF Code
1 2021 ACS Central Science - Evidential deep learning for guided molecular property prediction and discovery PDF GitHub stars
2 2021 NeurIPS - Evaluating Deep Learning Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Neutrino Physics Applications PDF -
3 2022 ICML - Evidential interactive learning for medical image captioning PDF GitHub stars
4 2022 TBME FCNN Personalized blood glucose prediction for type 1 diabetes using evidential deep learning and meta-learning PDF -
5 2022 npj Digital Medicine ARISES Enhancing self-management in type 1 diabetes with wearables and deep learning PDF -
6 2022 IoTJ - IoMT-enabled real-time blood glucose prediction with deep learning and edge computing PDF -
7 2023 npj Computational Materials - Single-model uncertainty quantification in neural network potentials does not consistently outperform model ensembles PDF GitHub stars
8 2023 Arxiv Eviprompt Eviprompt: A training-free evidential prompt generation method for segment anything model in medical images PDF -
9 2024 Arxiv - Outlier-Detection for Reactive Machine Learned Potential Energy Surfaces PDF -


If you have any suggestions or find missing papers, please feel free to contact me.