
CoRL2021 Learning Density Distribution of Reachable States for Autonomous Systems

Primary LanguagePython

Reachable States Density Estimation



The official code for "Learning Density Distribution of Reachable States for Autonomous Systems" (CoRL2021 https://openreview.net/pdf?id=sWBqOL5Nh4P)

This code base contains seven parts:

  1. Installation requirements
  2. Collect simulation data
  3. Train neural network
  4. Reproduce the result in Table.1
  5. Reproduce the result in Figure 2 & 3
  6. Reproduce the result in Figure 4
  7. RPM computations
## 0. Installation requirements         ##
# Works under Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04
# Needs to have a GPU computing environment
# Recommend RTX 2080Ti

# A full conda package environment can be
# found out in "environment.yml" in the
# same directory

# Download the data from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qL0E6U1PScEDyOO25gNI8BEuXZLfCzpf/view?usp=sharing
# and unzip it to `./`

## Install Julia 1.4.2

## 1. Collect the simulation data       ##
# Taking pendulum as an example
python collect_data.py --exp_mode pend --exp_name 10k --dt 0.02 --nt 50 --num_samples 10000 --s_mins -2.1 -5.5 -2.0 -2.0 --s_maxs 2.1 5.5 2.0 2.0 --x_min -6.28 --x_max 6.28 --y_min -11.0 --y_max 11.0 --nx 161 --ny 161 --viz_log_density

# The result can be found in `cache/g****-******_pend_10k`

## 2. Train neural network              ##
# Taking the previous trajdata to train network
# (replace the XXXXXXXXXX to the previous data dir you have, e.g. g****-******_pend_10k)
python train_nn.py --gpus 0 --exp_mode pend --exp_name lr5k_e200k_norm --hiddens 32 32 --num_epochs 500000 --beta 0.5 --lr 5000 --train_data_path XXXXXXXXXX --wrap_log1 --dyna_weight 1.0 --less_t --train_dyna_only --log_density --t_struct --change_after 200000 --new_show_stat --new_dyna_weight 0.25 --new_lr 2000 --normalize

# The result can be found in `cache/g****-******_pend_lr5k_e200k_norm`

## 3. Reproduce the result in Table.1   ##
# Run all the commands in this section
# to reproduce result in Table. 1

#(VDP) (Ran)
python exp1_dens.py --gpus 1 --exp_mode vdp --train_data_path data/vdp_data.npz --model_path data/models/vdp_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.100 --s_mins -2.5 -2.5 --s_maxs 2.5 2.5 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram

#(dint) (Ran)
python exp1_dens.py --gpus 1 --exp_mode dint --train_data_path data/dint_data.npz --model_path data/models/dint_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.100 --s_mins -0.5 -1.0 --s_maxs 4.0 1.0 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram --max_n_trajs 100000

# (kop)
python exp1_dens.py --gpus 0 --exp_mode kop --train_data_path data/kop_data.npz --model_path data/models/kop_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.100 --s_mins 0.0 -2.0 -2.0 --s_maxs 2.0 2.0 2.0 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram

python exp1_dens.py --gpus 1 --exp_mode pend --train_data_path data/pend_data.npz --model_path data/models/pend_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.100 --s_mins -2.1 -5.5 -2.0 -2.0 --s_maxs 2.1 5.5 2.0 2.0 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram

#(Robot) (Ran)
python exp1_dens.py --gpus 1 --exp_mode robot --train_data_path data/robot_data.npz --model_path data/models/robot_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.100 --s_mins -1.8 -1.8 0.0 1.0 --s_maxs -1.2 -1.2 1.57 1.5 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram

python exp1_dens.py --gpus 1 --exp_mode car --train_data_path data/car_data.npz --model_path /data/models/car_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.100 --s_mins -2.1 -2.1 -0.1 0.0 --s_maxs 2.1 2.1 0.1 0.5 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram

python exp1_dens.py --gpus 1 --exp_mode quad --train_data_path data/quad_data.npz --model_path data/models/quad_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.100 --s_mins 4.6500 4.6500 2.9500 0.9400 -0.0500 -0.4999 --s_maxs 4.7500 4.7500 3.0500 0.9600 0.0500 0.4997 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram --bins 16

#(acc) (Ran)
python exp1_dens.py --gpus 1 --exp_mode acc --train_data_path data/acc_data.npz --model_path data/models/acc_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.100 --s_mins 59.0 26.0 -0.01 30.0 -0.01 -10.1 -2.0 --s_maxs 62.0 30.0 0.01 30.5 0.01 -9.9 2.0 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram --bins 5

#(gcas) (Ran)
python exp1_dens.py --gpus 0 --exp_mode gcas --train_data_path data/gcas_data.npz --model_path data/models/gcas_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.25 --s_mins 560.0040 0.0750 -0.0100 -0.1000 -0.9996 -0.0100 -0.0100 -0.0100 -0.0100 -0.0100 -0.0100 1150.0158 0.0002 --s_maxs 599.9902 0.1000 0.0100 -0.0750 -0.5002 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 1199.9896 0.9994 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram --bins 2

#(toon) (Ran)
python exp1_dens.py --gpus 1 --exp_mode toon --train_data_path data/toon_data.npz --model_path data/models/toon_model.ckpt --ep_bandwidth 0.10 --s_mins -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.0999 -0.1000 -0.0999 -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.1000 -0.0100 --s_maxs 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.0999 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.0100 --train_ratio 0.5 --real_histogram --bins 1 --max_n_trajs 100000 --skip_histogram

# and the result will be shown in the terminal

## 4. Reproduce the result in Figure 2 & 3   ##
cd plots
python exp4_merge.py --path ../data/final_data_vdp.npz
python exp2_fig_hybrid.py --path ../data/final_data_vdp.npz
python exp2_fig_hybrid.py --path ../data/final_data_dint.npz
python exp2_fig_hybrid.py --path ../data/final_data_robot.npz
python exp2_fig_hybrid.py --path ../data/final_data_car.npz

# and the results will be in `cache/*`

## 5. Reproduce the result in Figure 4       ##
cd plots
python exp3_var.py

# and the result will be in `cache/fig4.png`

## 6. Generate RPM cells from NN models      ##
python handle_rpm.py --exp_mode vdp
python handle_rpm.py --exp_mode dint
python handle_rpm.py --exp_mode robot
python handle_rpm.py --exp_mode car

## 7. Test output for NN models              ##
First download the exp file from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vP_MOz57OAZLMDjfbiu_jtNL_FUY56lv/view?usp=sharing and unzip it to ./cache

Run the following command:
python get_nn_est.py --gpus 0 --exp_mode vdp --exp_name lr5k_e500k --hiddens 32 32 --num_epochs 500000 --beta 0.5 --lr 5000 --train_data_path exp_vdp --wrap_log1 --dyna_weight 1.0 --less_t --train_dyna_only --log_density --t_struct --change_after 200000 --new_show_stat --new_dyna_weight 0.25 --new_lr 2000 --pretrained_path data/models/vdp_model.ckpt

The result will be ./cache