
In progress Unity #C based combat system that I like to add to in my free time. Feel free to use my code if you don't feel like writing your own. This system is a bit rigid but as long as you set up your gameObjects correctly it should work decently.

MIT LicenseMIT


In progress Unity #C based combat system that I like to add to in my free time. Feel free to use my code if you don't feel like writing your own. This system is a bit rigid but as long as you set up your gameObjects correctly it should work decently.

To use in a project:

  1. Have Unity installed (this was made with Unity 2021.3.3f1)
  2. Make sure that your player prefab has been tagged as "Player" and has an empty child named "Health" (these are required) Also you will want to tag enemies as "Enemy" and place an empty child on them called "Health".
  3. If you have set up everything correctly then it should let the enemy follow the player at a certain range, stop at a certain range and begin attacking.

Thanks for Reading!