- 0
Gitlab comments don't work
#113 opened by eremeevfd - 3
- 1
- 7
No Github comments from tfnotify
#120 opened by leszczynskimikolaj - 1
- 1
Support Jenkins
#25 opened by Starefossen - 0
- 2
Support Terraform `0.15` or later
#104 opened by KeisukeYamashita - 1
- 3
- 2
Support to configure a label color
#86 opened by suzuki-shunsuke - 1
- 2
tfnotify migth be not working on github actions
#98 opened by fnaoto - 1
- 0
- 1
Can not post an apply comment to the last commit
#33 opened by shiwano - 0
tfnotify --version not working
#83 opened by kei2100 - 1
- 1
Any chance of some ARM releases
#73 opened by plod - 5
- 0
Support Bitbucket Pipelines
#36 opened by teraken0509 - 2
- 2
fail go get current master HEAD ( b8bbe9b )
#54 opened by ziguzagu - 1
Support Drone
#42 opened by ch1aki - 2
terraform 0.12 planfile support
#44 opened by frealmyr - 1
- 0
can we use markdown in template?
#50 opened by hanks - 1
Support Gitlab CI
#20 opened by perriea - 2
Support TeamCity
#29 opened by genert - 1
Too long comment
#34 opened by povils - 1
Unable to use --config flag in v0.1.4
#24 opened by eefahy - 1
Possible to use this tool on local machine?
#4 opened by uohzxela - 6
Document required GitHub permissions
#8 opened by TomFaulkner - 1
Conditional notification
#10 opened by syucream