Documentation has been moved to docs in
- 3
Feature Request - Format Date/Time Output
#48 opened by Heiko-san - 0
HTML - lots of whitespace above diagram
#64 opened by DrGriff - 0
This repository should be archived
#59 opened by ggrossetie - 1
Using mermaid on android
#47 opened by prtuson - 0
- 0
Gantt diagram docs are really rough
#55 opened by goodlux - 0
Intro: what is Mermaid?
#53 opened by sorin-costea - 0
#52 opened by purcellconsult - 0
Circular Layout
#51 opened by JoA-MoS - 0
Internet Explorer compatibility
#50 opened by FreshMarv - 2
- 1
I am using Mermaid in Dokuwiki. It doesnot work when there is a unicode charectors in the name
#28 opened by sbgowder - 1
Support for boxed text or nodes without link?
#32 opened by zhijieshi - 2
- 1
how to hide footer like plantuml?
#41 opened by hitzhangjie - 1
title works in gantt but not sequenceDiagram
#42 opened by markhu - 1
Error with d3 library
#39 opened by ShiruJan - 0
either d3 is working or mermaid but not both
#30 opened by brainlessboy - 0
Mermaid.js macro plugin for Redmine
#31 opened by taikii - 1
Text on the page is clipped horizontally
#29 opened by fdmarcin - 1
participant is too narrow
#21 opened by penghaozhong - 2
Sample Stylesheet for Gantt vs Sequence Diagram
#13 opened by banjavi - 1
Upgrade script fails
#6 opened by ruizmarc - 0
#5 opened by Esusi - 1