
Error in rule align

animesh opened this issue · 1 comments

Error in rule align:
    jobid: 1141
    output: genomes/taxonomy/gtdb/align
    log: logs/taxonomy/gtdbtk/align.txt, genomes/taxonomy/gtdb/gtdbtk.log (check log file(s) for error message)
    conda-env: /cluster/projects/nn9036k/read/databases/conda_envs/c1248b49e049dd85a99c1f32aad41eeb
        GTDBTK_DATA_PATH=/cluster/projects/nn9036k/read/databases/GTDB_V06 ;  gtdbtk align --identify_dir genomes/taxonomy/gtdb --out_dir genomes/taxonomy/gtdb --cpus 64 &> logs/taxonomy/gtdbtk/align.txt
        (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

Removing output files of failed job align since they might be corrupted:
Shutting down, this might take some time.
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message
Note the path to the log file for debugging.
Documentation is available at:
Issues can be raised at:
The code used to generate one or several output files has changed:
    To inspect which output files have changes, run 'snakemake --list-code-changes'.
    To trigger a re-run, use 'snakemake -R $(snakemake --list-code-changes)'.
The input used to generate one or several output files has changed:
    To inspect which output files have changes, run 'snakemake --list-input-changes'.
    To trigger a re-run, use 'snakemake -R $(snakemake --list-input-changes)'.
The params used to generate one or several output files has changed:
    To inspect which output files have changes, run 'snakemake --list-params-changes'.
    To trigger a re-run, use 'snakemake -R $(snakemake --list-params-changes)'.
Complete log: .snakemake/log/2022-04-18T085136.269109.snakemake.log
[Atlas] CRITICAL: Command 'snakemake --snakefile /cluster/projects/nn9036k/MC3/envs/MGA2p9/lib/python3.8/site-packages/atlas/workflow/Snakefile --directory /cluster/projects/nn9036k/read --jobs 64 --rerun-incomplete --configfile '/cluster/projects/nn9036k/read/config.yaml' --nolock   --use-conda --conda-prefix /cluster/projects/nn9036k/read/databases/conda_envs    --resources mem=512 mem_mb=524288 java_mem=435   --scheduler greedy  all  --resources mem=256 ' returned non-zero exit status 1.

** Atlas version**

The problem seems to originate from -pthread but somehow using the earlier trick, i.e. deleting the folder and restarting work 👍