
Editor for geofences. Reads and writes GeoJSON format.

Primary LanguagePython

AT Drive Planner

Edit a geofence. Read and write using the GeoJSON format.

Software Requirements

This software requires the aiortc Python library.

To build aiortc, you'll need ffmpeg 4.x and python >= 3.6

To install aiortc in Fedora:

sudo dnf install ffmpeg-devel  # (from RPM Fusion, not Fedora)
sudo dnf install python3-aiohttp
pip3 install --user aiortc

Also required:

sudo dnf install python3-psutil

To run:

This program expects to find a "CURRENT_MISSION.txt" in the current directory. Typically, what I do is this:

ln -s /location/to/mission_file.txt ./CURRENT_MISSION.txt

Start the server with:

python3 main.py

Then use a web browser to connect to localhost:8080