
Deprecated fork of voxblox for the purpose of experimenting with performance optimizations

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



Voxblox is a volumetric mapping library based mainly on Truncated Signed Distance Fields (TSDFs). It varies from other SDF libraries in the following ways:

  • CPU-only, can be run single-threaded or multi-threaded for some integrators
  • Support for multiple different layer types (containing different types of voxels)
  • Serialization using protobufs
  • Different ways of handling weighting during merging
  • Different ways of inserting pose information about scans
  • Tight ROS integration (in voxblox_ros package)
  • Easily extensible with whatever integrators you want
  • Features an implementation of building Euclidean Signed Distance Fields (ESDFs, EDTs) directly from TSDFs.

Paper and Video

A video showing sample output from voxblox can be seen here. A video of voxblox being used for online planning on-board a multicopter can be seen here.

If using voxblox for scientific publications, please cite the following paper:

Helen Oleynikova, Zachary Taylor, Marius Fehr, Juan Nieto, and Roland Siegwart, “Voxblox: Building 3D Signed Distance Fields for Planning”, arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.03631, 2016.

  title={Voxblox: Building 3D Signed Distance Fields for Planning},
  author={Oleynikova, Helen and Taylor, Zachary and Fehr, Marius and Nieto, Juan and Siegwart, Roland},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.03631},


To install voxblox, please install ROS Indigo or ROS Kinetic. These instructions are for Ubuntu, but Voxblox will also run on OS X but you're more or less on your own there.

Then install additional system dependencies (swap indigo for kinetic as necessary):

sudo apt-get install python-wstool python-catkin-tools ros-indigo-cmake-modules

Finally, add a few other dependencies. If you don't have a catkin workspace yet, set it up as follows:

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin init
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/indigo
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
catkin config --merge-devel

If using SSH keys for github (recommended):

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
wstool init
wstool set catkin_simple   --git git@github.com:catkin/catkin_simple.git
wstool set eigen_catkin    --git git@github.com:ethz-asl/eigen_catkin.git
wstool set eigen_checks    --git git@github.com:ethz-asl/eigen_checks.git
wstool set gflags_catkin   --git git@github.com:ethz-asl/gflags_catkin.git
wstool set glog_catkin     --git git@github.com:ethz-asl/glog_catkin.git
wstool set minkindr        --git git@github.com:ethz-asl/minkindr.git
wstool set minkindr_ros    --git git@github.com:ethz-asl/minkindr_ros.git
wstool set voxblox         --git git@github.com:ethz-asl/voxblox.git
wstool update

If not using SSH keys but using https instead:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
wstool init
wstool set catkin_simple   --git https://github.com/catkin/catkin_simple.git
wstool set eigen_catkin    --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/eigen_catkin.git
wstool set eigen_checks    --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/eigen_checks.git
wstool set gflags_catkin   --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/gflags_catkin.git
wstool set glog_catkin     --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/glog_catkin.git
wstool set minkindr        --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/minkindr.git
wstool set minkindr_ros    --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/minkindr_ros.git
wstool set voxblox         --git https://github.com/ethz-asl/voxblox.git
wstool update

Running Voxblox

The easiest way to test out voxblox is to try it out on a dataset. We have launch files for our own dataset, the Euroc Vicon Room datasets, and the KITTI raw datasets processed through kitti_to_rosbag.

For each of these datasets, there's a launch file associated under voxblox_ros/launch.

The easiest way to start is to download the cow and lady dataset, edit the path to the bagfile in cow_and_lady_dataset.launch, and then simply: roslaunch voxblox_ros cow_and_lady_dataset.launch

If you open rviz, you should be able to see the the mesh visualized on the /voxblox_node/mesh MarkerArray topic, in the world static frame, as shown below. The mesh only updates once per second (this is a setting in the launch file).


The rest of the commonly-used settings are parameters in the launch file.

Modifying Voxblox

Here's some hints on how to extend voxblox to fit your needs...


Serialization is currently implemented for:

  • TSDF layers
  • ESDF layers
  • Occupancy layers
  • ...

The following serialization tools are implemented:

  • Store a layer to file
  • Load layer from file
  • Store a subset of the blocks of a layer to file
  • Load blocks from file and add to a layer

How to add your own voxel/layer type

  • Add your own voxel type and implement the getVoxelType(), e.g. fancy_voxel.h :
namespace voxblox {

// Used for serialization only.
namespace voxel_types {
 const std::string kYOUR_FANCY_VOXEL = "fancy_voxel"
}  // namespace voxel_types

template <>
inline std::string getVoxelType<YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL>() {
 return voxel_types::kYOUR_FANCY_VOXEL;

}  // namespace voxblox
  • Implement the block (de)serialization functions for your voxel type, e.g. fancy_block_serialization.cc
namespace voxblox {

template <>
void Block<YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL>::DeserializeVoxelData(const BlockProto& proto,
                                            YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL* voxels) {
// Your serialization code.

template <>
void Block<YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL>::SerializeVoxelData(const YOUR_FANCY_VOXEL* voxels,
                                          BlockProto* proto) const {
// Your serialization code.

}  // namespace voxblox
  • Create your own fancy_integrator.h, fancy_mesh_integrator.h, ...

Have a look at the example package:

TODO(mfehr, helenol): add example package with a new voxel type