BARVINN: A Barrel RISC-V Neural Network Accelerator

Primary LanguageSystemVerilogMIT LicenseMIT

BARVINN: A Barrel RISC-V Neural Network Accelerator:

alt text

How to Use:

You first need to clone the repository and update the submodules:

git clone https://github.com/hossein1387/BARVINN.git
git submodule update --init

Now that you cloned the BARVINN repository, you can run a sample code. First make sure the Vivado is sourced, example for Vivado 2019.1:

source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/settings64.sh

Then make sure you have fusesoc installed:

python3 -m pip install fusesoc

Then add mvu, pito and barvinn to your fusesoc libraries (NOTE: if you have used FuseSoC with any of the following projects, you can skip adding it to FuseSoC) :

cd MVU
fusesoc library add mvu .
cd ../pito_riscv
fusesoc library add pito .
cd ..
fusesoc library add barvinn .

Then run simulation (No GUI):

fusesoc run --target=sim barvinn

For synthesis:

fusesoc run --target=synth barvinn

To open sim in GUI mode:

cd build/pito_0/sim-vivado/ 
make run-gui

And for synthesis:

cd build/pito_0/synth-vivado/ 
make build-gui

This should open the project for you. Make sure you have run simulation or synthesis atleast once, otherwise fusesoc would not create a project file for you.

Build Documentation:

cd docs
python pip -r install requirements
make html

Then, you can open ./docs/_build/html/index.html file.