VolRAFT: Volumetric Optical Flow Network for Digital Volume Correlation of Synchrotron Radiation-based Micro-CT Images of Bone-Implant Interfaces

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

VolRAFT: Volumetric Optical Flow Network for Digital Volume Correlation of Synchrotron Radiation-based Micro-CT Images of Bone-Implant Interfaces

What is VolRAFT?

In materials science research, digital volume correlation (DVC) analysis is commonly used to track deformations and strains to elucidate morphology-function relationships. Optical flow-based DVC is particularly popular because of its robustness to estimate the correlation as a dense deformation vector. Recently, computer vision researchers showed that network-based optical flow approaches can outperform classical iterative optical flow approaches. In this paper, we propose a supervised machine learning approach for digital volume correlation, VolRAFT, that estimates the 3D displacement vector between the reference volume and the deformed volume. The proposed approach extends the state-of-the-art network-based optical flow method, RAFT, from 2D images to 3D volumes such that it predicts the volumetric displacement vector from the input volume pairs. Experiments show that the proposed network performs well in estimating different displacement fields when compared to cutting-edge iterative DVC methods for bone-implant materials based on high resolution synchrotron-radiation micro-computed tomography imaging data.

Abstract from Wong, T.M., Moosmann, J. & Zeller-Plumhoff, B. (2024). VolRAFT: Volumetric Optical Flow Network for Digital Volume Correlation of Synchrotron Radiation-based Micro-CT Images of Bone-Implant Interfaces. CVPR Workshops. 2024.

How to Cite

If you use this code in your scientific publication, please cite the paper

VolRAFT: Volumetric Optical Flow Network for Digital Volume Correlation of Synchrotron Radiation-based Micro-CT Images of Bone-Implant Interfaces
Tak Ming Wong, Julian Moosmann, Berit Zeller-Plumhoff
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2024

    author    = {Wong, Tak Ming and Moosmann, Julian and Zeller-Plumhoff, Berit},
    title     = {VolRAFT: Volumetric Optical Flow Network for Digital Volume Correlation of Synchrotron Radiation-based Micro-CT Images of Bone-Implant Interfaces},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2024},
    pages     = {53-62}

How to download?



  • Bone-implant materials: please contact us to access the datasets as it is too large for hosting on public-available platforms.


VolRAFT Paper
Download paper here
VolRAFT at GitHub
The GitHub repository
CV4MS at CVPR 2024
CVPR Workshops - CV4MS

Library packages for reference

Library version Description
pytorch 2.1.0 with CUDA
numpy 1.26.0
matplotlib 3.8.1
scipy 1.11.3
PIL 10.1.0
tqdm 4.66.1
pyyaml 6.0.1

Create a conda environment by this mamba command (or probably by conda):

mamba create -n volraft pytorch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 pytorch-cuda=11.8 numpy=1.26.0 matplotlib=3.8.1 scipy=1.11.3 pillow=10.1.0 tqdm=4.66.1 pyyaml=6.0.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge

Full conda environment can be found in environment.yaml

File structure

checkpoints contains the checkpoint file and its corresponding YAML configuration file.

datasets contains:

models contains:

  • all Python classes related to models and netowkrs
  • config contains all configurations (hyperparmeters) of models in YAML format.
  • VolRAFT contains Python scripts of the VolRAFT class extended from the RAFT repository.

scripts contains:

  • prepare_data.sh is the reference shell script to prepare datasets by loading measurements and flows from YAML lists to numpy files.
  • train.sh is the reference shell script to train the model.
  • infer.sh is the reference shell script to run inference.
  • analysis.sh is the reference shell script to analyze the inference result in comparison to other methods.

utils contains all Python classes for all utilities and structure classes.

prepare_data.py is the Python script to prepare datasets by loading measurements and flows from YAML lists to numpy files.

train.py is the Python script to train the model.

infer.py is the Python script to run inference based on the provided checkpoints or the trained checkpoints stored in results directory.

analysis.py is the Python script to analyze the inference result in comparison to other methods based on the slices indicated in analysis.yaml.

results will store all information and logging files after running these scripts.

The Python style guide is PEP 8.

Getting started

There are 2 symbolic links that needs to be prepared:

  • volraft_measurements link to the folder that contains all measurement volumes.
  • volraft_datasets link to the folder that will store all of the generated synthetic datasets for training and testing.

Please run these commands to create the symbolic links:

ln -s <path/to/measurements> ~/volraft_source/volraft_measurements
ln -s <path/to/datasets> ~/volraft_source/volraft_datasets

How to prepare synthetic datasets for training?

Run the data preparation script by sh scripts/prepare_data.sh.
Refer to prepare_data.sh

How to train the model?

Now, you can run the training script by sh scripts/train.sh.
Refer to train.sh

How to run inference?

Train the network and get the full path of training checkpoints in results directory.
Then, put the full-path to the training checkpoints in results directory:

# folder path to checkpoint

Now, you can run the inference script by sh scripts/infer.sh.
Refer to infer.sh

How to analyze result?

Run MBS-Opt-flow

  • Please compile MBS-Opt-flow.
  • Navigate to the dataset folder that you want to run (e.g. cd volraft_datasets/volume_960x1280x1280/2021_11008741_syn0154_103L_Mg5Gd_4w_000_fs004).
  • Run the script run_mbsoptflow for the MBS-Optflow vanilla setting (Caution: need to create a symbolic link ~/mbsoptflow to locate the build folder).
  • Run the script run_mbsoptflow_opt18 for the MBS-Optflow optimal setting (Caution: need to create a symbolic link ~/mbsoptflow to locate the build folder).

Run inference and get the full path of inference result in results directory.
Then, put the full-path to the analysis script analysis.sh:

# folder path to result of inference
RESULT_PATH="<path/to/infer/result>" # TODO: change to your own path

Now, you can run the analysis script by sh scripts/analysis.sh.
Refer to analysis.sh


We welcome contributions from everyone who is willing to improve this project. Here's how you can contribute:

Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug in the code or a mistake in the documentation, you can help us by submitting an issue to the GitHub Repository. With your report, please include:

  • Your operating system and version
  • The version of the project you're using
  • A detailed description of the bug or error
  • Steps to reproduce the bug

Applying to different imaging modalities/datasets/samples

If you want to apply VolRAFT to other imaging modalities/datasets/samples, you can contact us or can submit an issue to the GitHub Repository.


Open source project

We specially thank for the contributions of open source projects:

  • MBS-Opt-flow: MBS 3D Optical Flow.
  • RAFT: Recurrent All Pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow.


We thank Dr. Stefan Bruns for his valuable insight and the fruitful discussions regarding the optimization of the MBS-Opt-flow framework.

Sponsors and Funding

  • We acknowledge the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY (Hamburg, Germany), a member of the Helmholtz Association HGF, for the provision of beamtime, related to the proposal 20180109 at the imaging beamline (IBL) P05 at PETRA III at DESY.
  • We acknowledge the ErUM-Data Verbundprojekt 'KI4D4E: Ein KI-basiertes Framework für die Visualisierung und Auswertung der massiven Datenmengen der 4D-Tomographie für Endanwender von Beamlines' which is funded by the Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) (Förderkennzeichen 05D23CG1).

Special Thanks

This research was supported in part through the Maxwell computational resources operated at DESY.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.