
All Star Simulator allows you to create fantasy teams of NBA players from the present and past, and find out their performaance in a simulated game. Built using Java 8, by Manav Gagvani and Dev Kodre.

Primary LanguageJava

All Star Simulator

All Star Simulator

A simulator that allows you to create new teams of NBA players and find out how they would perform in a simulated game, by using real-word statistics.

By Manav Gagvani and Dev Kodre


Welcome to All Star Simulator! To begin, select the season from the drop down menu, by typing in the number corresponding with that season. After you have done that, you will see the main display of All Star Simulator. You can select players in the drop down menu, and add them to either team using the "Add Team" buttons. Furthermore, if you accidentally put in the wrong player, you can use the "Delete Team" buttons. Once you have put 5 players in each team, presss the Start button to start the simulation. If you want to stop the simulation, press the Cancel button. If you want to exit the app, press the Quit button. If you want to clear the score and players, press the Reset button. You will see the amount of points each player scores next to his name. The scoreboard is below the players. Below that is an info box describing exactly what happened during each possession.

Enjoy All Star Simulator!