
YOLOv9 (Ultralytics) Python interface for training, validating and running detection on waste detection dataset + detection using SAHI.

Primary LanguagePython

YOLOv9 Waste Detection

YOLOv9 (Ultralytics) Python interface for training, validating and running detection on custom datasets. The implementation included in this repository focuses on using the YOLO algorithm for waste detection algorithms for the needs of a master's thesis, but it can be successfully used for other purposes.


  1. Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/mgmike1011/yolo_waste_detection.git
  1. Enter directory and create other directories
cd yolo_waste_detection
mkdir detect_results train_results
  1. Prepare python environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download yolov9 models
mkdir models
wget -P models https://github.com/ultralytics/assets/releases/download/v8.2.0/yolov9c.pt
wget -P models https://github.com/ultralytics/assets/releases/download/v8.2.0/yolov9e.pt

Note: 04.2024 - Only C and E models are available, T, S, M will be published after the paper review and publication.

  1. Confirm installation by running test detection
python detection_test.py

Watch output in detection_results.


Inference implementation: detect.py

python detect.py --input path/to/input/img/or/directory \
  --output path/to/output/directory \
  --model path/to/model.pt \
  --conf 0.25 \
  --iou 0.7 \
  --imgsz 640 \
  --device "0" \
  --savetxt False \
  --saveconf False \
  --saveimg True \
  --savecfg False


  • input - Input image or path to directory with images - Required,
  • output - Path to directory where data will be saved - Required,
  • model - Path to model - Required,
  • conf - Minimum confidence threshold for detections,
  • iou - Intersection Over Union (IoU) threshold for Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS),
  • imgsz - Image size for inference,
  • device - Device for inference (e.g., cpu, cuda:0 or 0),
  • savetxt - Save results to txt result file,
  • saveconf - Save confidence score to txt result file,
  • saveimg - Save annotated image,
  • savecfg - Save config file.

Detection using SAHI

Inference implementation: sahi_yolo_v9.py

python sahi/sahi_yolo_v9.py --input path/to/input/img/or/directory \
  --output path/to/output/directory \
  --model path/to/model.pt \
  --coco_gt path/to/ground/truth/COCO/annotations \
  --conf 0.45 \
  --overlap 0.1 \
  --imgsz 640 \
  --visual False


  • input - Input image or path to directory with images - Required,
  • output - Path to directory where data will be saved - Required,
  • model - Path to model - Required,
  • coco_gt - Path COCO file with annotations, necessary for further metrics calculation - Required,
  • conf - Minimum confidence threshold for detections,
  • overlap - Size of overlap in SHAI,
  • imgsz - Image size for inference,
  • visual - Save visualization.


Train implementation: train.py
Dataset structure:

    |    |
    |    ->images/
    |    ->labels/
    |    |
    |    ->images/
    |    ->labels/
    |    |
    |    ->images/
    |    ->labels/

Note: test/ is optional.
Example data.yaml:

train: /path/to/dataset/train/images
test: /path/to/dataset/test/images
val: /path/to/dataset/valid/images

nc: 1
names: [ 'class_name' ]
python train.py --data path/to/data.yaml \
  --model path/to/model.pt \
  --output path/to/output/directory \
  --name run1 \
  --resume False


  • data - Input data YAML file - Required,
  • output - Path to directory where trained models will be saved - Required,
  • model - Path to model - Required,
  • name - Run name - Required,
  • resume - Resumes training from the last saved checkpoint.
    Training setting: all training hyperparameters and setting are inside train.py file for manual change.


Validation implementation: val.py

python val.py --data path/to/data.yaml \
  --model path/to/model.pt \
  --device "0" \
  --imgsz 640 \
  --batch 100 \
  --savejson False \
  --savehybrid False \
  --conf 0.001 \
  --iou 0.6 \
  --maxdet 300 \
  --half True \
  --dnn False \
  --plots False \
  --rect False \
  --split "val"


  • model - Path to model - Required,
  • data - Input data YAML file - Required,
  • split - Determines the dataset split to use for validation (val, test, or train) - Required,
  • device - Device for inference (e.g., cpu, cuda:0 or 0),
  • imgsz - Image size for inference,
  • batch - Number of images per batch.
  • savejson - Save the results to a JSON file.
  • savehybrid - Save a hybrid version of labels that combines original annotations with additional model predictions,
  • conf - Minimum confidence threshold for detections,
  • iou - Intersection Over Union (IoU) threshold for Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS),
  • maxdet - Maximum number of detections per image,
  • half - Enables half-precision (FP16),
  • dnn - Use the OpenCV DNN module for ONNX model inference,
  • plots - Generate and save plots of predictions versus ground truth for visual evaluation of the model's performance,
  • rect - Use rectangular inference for batching.


Combined implementation: combined.ipynb In order to easily use the prepared scripts in environments such as Google Colab, jupyternotebook was also developed, combining all functionalities within one file.

Synthetic data generator

Synthetic generator - Agnieszka Piórkowska, Miłosz Gajewski

YOLOv9 credits

Agnieszka Piórkowska, Miłosz Gajewski

Politechnika Poznańska