- Place gop video files in a folder called video_files.
- Place gop instruction file in gop/gop_data.
- Create folder called received on server to hold received files.
g++ -std=c++11 server.cpp
g++ -std=c++11 client.cpp gop.cpp
Responsible for sending Group-of-Picture tiles to specified source
Read GOP instruction file: gop/gop/gop_data
- For each set of Group-of-Picture:
- For each tile:
- Store the value (priority of tile), row (specifies the group that the tile belongs to based on transfer speeds) *not to be confused with the physical position of the tile, and position (specifies the physical row/column where the tile lies) into a multidimensional array.
- Sort this array by the tile's value (the tile's priority). *After this, the tiles with the highest priority will be in the front; therefore, they will be sent first. The tiles that we will not send wil be at the back of the array.
- Create multidimensional arrays to hold the filenames and headers for each tile. *The header is sent with the file and includes information about the tile being sent: position, name, and size.
- For each tile:
- For each Group-of-Pictures:
- For each tile:
- Break up the file, sending 64000 bytes at a time, untill you get to the last portion of the file, which may be less.
- Append the header to first chunk of th file. The header has the following structure: gop#-row-column-size. ex: 01-03-04-55000.
- For each tile:
- Continuously calculate the time necessary to send the file and perform necessary operations to get the transfer rate in Megabits per second (throughput).
- Use throughput to determine which set of tiles to send.
Receives the gop tiles.
- For each Group-of_pictures:
- For each tile:
- Listen for the first portion of the file which will also include the header.
- Extract filename, filesize, and the tile position information from the header.
- Receive the rest of the file
- For each tile: