
A ROS package for simple planar pose estimation for textured objects

Primary LanguagePython

Planar Pose Estimation

A ROS package for a simple object detection and planar pose estimation method for textured objects.

CodeFactor Build Status License: MIT


  • ROS Noetic/Melodic/Kinetic
  • Python 2.7, 3.3+ for ROS Noetic (should support Python 3 for other ROS Distros as well)
  • OpenCV (Tested on opencv 4, should work with other opencv versions as well)


For new projects:

mkdir catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/paul-shuvo/planar_pose.git
cd planar_pose
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ../../..

For existing project:

cd 'your_project_path'/src
git clone https://github.com/paul-shuvo/planar_pose.git
cd planar_pose
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ../../..


This package contains a object detection module and a planar pose estimation module. Planar pose estimation module depends on the object detection module.

To run the object detection module:

cd 'your_project_path`
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun planar_pose object_detection.py

Then, to run the planar pose estimation module:

cd 'your_project_path`
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun planar_pose planar_pose_estimation.py

Published Topics

  • /detected_object Coordinates of the boundary of the detected objects in terms of a json string.
    "data: {\"cheezeit\": [[369, 252], [367, 344], [423, 339], [429, 251]], \"book-1\": [[518, 234],\
    \ [525, 225], [513, 230], [590, 222]]}"
  • /object_pose_info Pose (Quaternion) info of the detected objects in terms of a json string.
    data: "{\"cheezeit\": {\"position\": [-0.21074476838111877, 0.17126992344856262, 1.377000093460083],\
    \ \"orientation\": [-0.7785678371108322, -0.03650856877418329, 0.6243951877330678,\
    \ 0.05128252098335612]}, \"book-1\": {\"position\": [0.10074007511138916, 0.07484704256057739,\
    \ 0.8750000596046448], \"orientation\": [-0.99671235271185, -0.024004214965333632,\
    \ -0.05656042965190621, 0.052812890595937564]}}"
  • /object_pose_array PoseArray of the detected objects.
        seq: 9
            secs: 1612235248
            nsecs: 180106401
        frame_id: "kinect2_rgb_optical_frame"
            x: -0.3775361180305481
            y: 0.18009251356124878
            z: 1.2940000295639038
            x: -0.8238780569888
            y: -0.005098909875330737
            z: 0.5370874941853346
            w: 0.1809308484481323
            x: 0.04039544239640236
            y: 0.06119309365749359
            z: 0.8650000691413879
            x: -0.997179603918241
            y: -0.036229147670746836
            z: -0.0050051373858676085
            w: 0.06553804229804013


The images of the objects' planes should be put inside the src/objects folder. The path could be changed in the config.py file. For the demo below, the following image of a "Cheezit" box was used.

(a), (b), (c) are recovered poses from robot’s camera and (d), (e), (f) are corresponding poses visualized in RViz


Please cite these papers in your publications if it helps your research:

      title={Object Detection and Pose Estimation from RGB and Depth Data for Real-time, Adaptive Robotic Grasping}, 
      author={S. K. Paul and M. T. Chowdhury and M. Nicolescu and M. Nicolescu},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV)}


  • Do more tests