:sweat: rewrite of the CoffeeScript compiler with proper compiler design principles and a focus on robustness and extensibility
- 43
ES6 support
#338 opened by lolmaus - 3
- 0
- 7
- 3
- 0
- 4
Negative loop step to iterate backwards
#324 opened by lydell - 2
Switch doesn't work with the ternary operator
#329 opened by rstacruz - 0
Bad error messages for unterminated strings
#297 opened by lydell - 2
Object Literal Array Shorthand
#308 opened by DavidSouther - 6
Project Status
#351 opened by zimt28 - 4
Array Splice to remove element
#309 opened by DavidSouther - 1
- 1
Existential range slices
#345 opened by ef4 - 1
JSON.parse stack traces break when using register
#354 opened by jkrems - 1
A static module system proposal for CS
#355 opened by GabrielRatener - 5
question: will you be re-introducing <class>.name?
#302 opened by tony-kerz - 0
More function arguments options
#327 opened by vinz243 - 3
`for [a..b] then c`
#317 opened by lydell - 3
Unexpected ','
#320 opened by mirek - 1
Is project dead?
#364 opened by brianconnoly - 33
- 3
What's the state of this project?
#361 opened by hsingh23 - 1
- 2
feature request: compile to go and php
#359 opened by falafflepotatoe - 5
-r command line option doesn't seem to work
#358 opened by danielbayley - 7
AST node ranges are not always correct
#335 opened by eventualbuddha - 1
Assignment inside iterator scope
#347 opened by ef4 - 2
REPL tests broken under iojs / new nodejs
#342 opened by ef4 - 0
New line escaping (\) doesn't work in some cases
#332 opened by rstacruz - 0
tests failing on node 0.11 due to "bad file descriptor" error in repl tests
#319 opened by michaelficarra - 1
Dependency to cscodegen using GIT
#322 opened by atehrani - 8
- 2
Compiler errors do not include line/column information
#304 opened by xonev - 0
- 2
Is function declaration output possible
#334 opened by m1sta - 3
What is the equivalent of require('coffee-script').compile(code, options);?
#333 opened by CodisRedding - 7
- 9
syntax error in javascript output when last function parameter is both a splat and a property
#330 opened by erisdev - 0
- 1
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- 10
Property access should not be treated as dead code.
#312 opened by pygy - 2
- 1
- 4
AST for code with errors
#305 opened by dkundel - 1
`by` doesn't work with range loops/comprehensions
#286 opened by aroben - 2
- 1
colourise compilation error line and pointer
#292 opened by michaelficarra - 1
Double var declaration in 2.0.0-beta8 generated JS
#293 opened by app