:sweat: rewrite of the CoffeeScript compiler with proper compiler design principles and a focus on robustness and extensibility
- abedraDRW
- AlexJWayneSOLV Energy
- andrew@ecosyste-ms and @octobox
- antrammCarousel Digital
- bergie@flowhub
- bjtitus@Automattic
- cleePanasonic North America
- cwEvansville, WI
- dandorman@DivvyPayHQ
- dsrw@shopify
- fcouryGistia Healthcare
- francutrecht
- gbraad@RedHatOfficial, @redhat-developer, @crc-org, @containers, @jkubeio, @gbraadnl, @minishift, @gbraad-redhat
- jscheid
- jwhitmire@galileo-inc
- kavu
- knowtheorymozilla
- lukesuttonSouth Australia
- maccmanReflect
- malkomalkoDoximity
- mdpAtlanta, GA
- nonoCozy Cloud
- number5@cultureamp
- ouvanousOUVANOUS
- qerubdefsoftware
- qoby
- ropikuLondon, UK
- schmurfyParis, France
- shanesveller@build-trust
- shuber@LendingHome
- sstephensonChicago
- stanTokyo, Japan
- SuttoTidy HQ
- tobiShopify
- topfunky@datadog
- vicSoftware Villain