CS231A/EE267 Final project by Michael Lin and Alexa Siu.
What you will need for hardware:
- Microsoft HoloLens
- Microsoft Kinect
- A Windows machine
In your Windows machine you need to install the Kinect SDK: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44561
There are three code components in this repository:
- HoloProxies which is the C# implementation of the real-time markerless tracking from Ren et al. This part of the code just runs in Unity platform in a PC with good processing capacity.
- HoloLensTCP which implements the side of the code that runs on the HoloLens. This mainly does the Hologram rendering and receives pose data through TCP from the HoloProxies code.
- SDFGenerator is a short and simple script we put together to allow people to convert any mesh they like into a model for tracking. For example you can use Blender to draw a ball of the size of a tennis ball and then export it as obj. Use then use our script to convert that .obj to a .bin file that contains the SDF values used for tracking your tennis ball.