First launched in 2003 at the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University, CHAI3D is a powerful cross-platform C++ simulation framework with over 100+ industries and research institutions developing CHAI3D based applications all around the world in segments such as automotive, aerospace, medical, entertainment and industrial robotics.
Designed as a platform agnostic framework for computer haptics, visualization and interactive real-time simulation, CHAI3D is an open source framework that supports a variety of commercially-available three-, six- and seven-degree-of-freedom haptic devices, and makes it simple to support new custom force feedback devices.
CHAI3D's modular capabilities allows for the creation of highly-performing native haptic applications as well as for hybrid development where you can choose which components provide the best haptic and visual user experience.
On Ubuntu, the software depends on libasound2, libusb-1.0.0, freeglut3, xorg, libglew.
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev libusb-1.0.0-dev freeglut3-dev xorg-dev libglew-dev
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && make -j4
General information is available at the CHAI3D Homepage.
Community discussion takes place on the CHAI3D Forum.
Commercial support is available from Force Dimension.
Doxygen-generated reference documentation is available online.
Instructions on how to get started can be found in the documentation folder.
Support and examples for extension frameworks can be found in the dedicated module folders:
modules/BULLET modules/GEL modules/OCULUS (Visual Studio 2015 only) modules/ODE modules/V-REP
CHAI3D supports a selection of commercial haptic devices and trackers. Information about their installation and support within CHAI3D can be found in the documentation folder.
If you have developed a new module or improved any of the capabilities of CHAI3D and would like to share them with the community, please contact our development team at
If you have found a bug:
Please join the CHAI3D forum and ask about the expected and observed behaviors to determine if it is really a bug
If you have identified a problem and managed to document it, you may also submit a report at
CHAI3D is open source software and is licensed under the Revised BSD License (3-clause). The license allows unlimited redistribution for any purpose as long as its copyright notices and the license's disclaimers of warranty are maintained. The license also contains a clause restricting use of the names of contributors for endorsement of a derived work without specific permission.
See copyright.txt for details.
For scientific publications, please reference CHAI3D:
@INPROCEEDINGS{Conti03, author = {Conti, F. and Barbagli, F. and Balaniuk, R. and Halg, M. and Lu, C. and Morris, D. and Sentis, L. and Warren, J. and Khatib, O. and Salisbury, K.}, title = {The CHAI libraries}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Eurohaptics 2003}, year = {2003}, pages = {496--500}, address = {Dublin, Ireland} }
(C) 2003-2016 by CHAI3D All Rights Reserved.