
A simple median filter library, plus an example of how to use it.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A simple median filter library for smoothing noisy data, written in C++. An example is also given.

Author: Michael Wrona | B.S. Aerospace Engineering


The median filter class and functions are within MedianFilter.cpp and MedianFiter.h. An example of how to use the class and functions can be found in main.cpp. This code also utilizes the matplotlibcpp plotting library to plot the data. The plot is output as a PNG image.

Plot Image

To initialize the median filter, a MedianFilter class must be created, and a window length must be specified. Then, the 'Update' attribute can be called to add a new noisy data point and return the filtered value.

MedianFilter MedianFilt((int) windowSize);

while (recording data) {
    float smoothedReading = MedianFilt.Update((float) reading);


For your convenience, a makefile is included to compile the example code. To compile and run the program using the makefile, run the command:

$ make run

If you desire to manually compile it from the command line, use the following commands:

$ g++ -std=c++11 -c MedianFilter.cpp
$ g++ main.cpp MedianFilter.o -std=c++11 -I/usr/include/python2.7 -lpython2.7 -o medianFiltExample
$ ./medianFiltExample