
Here resides an end-to-end sample of using an NVIDIA Jetson platform as an Azure IoT Edge device with Live Video Analytics Edge and Azure Blob Storage. An open-source ML model is utilized to detect objects in an RSTP stream simulator. A Python web app is included for reviewing AI detections from Blob Storage.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tiny YOLOv4 TensorFlow Lite model on Jetson Xavier with Azure Blob Storage and Live Video Analytics

This repo is an example of running an AI container on the Jetson platform in conjunction with the Azure Blob Storage IoT Edge module using the Live Video Analytics as a platform ontop of Azure IoT Edge runtime.

The purpose of this architecture is to create a pipeline that can route video (frame-by-frame) into an AI module for inferencing on the edge (image classification, object detection, etc.) that, in turn, stores output frames in a Blob Storage IoT Edge module storage container (a storage container, here, is a unit of storage within the Blob Edge module). The Blob Storage IoT storage container or set of containers essentially replicate to the Azure cloud (using some tunable user settings), to Azure Blob Storage, given internet connectivity (or stores on the edge until connectivity is achieved).

In the diagram below, frames from an AI module are shown being sent on the edge to two storage containers in the Blob Edge module: 1) for highly confident detection frames and 2) for the more poorly scoring detections (an indication that objects might not be being detected well by the ML model). Poorly performing frames from the AI edge module are good candidates for labeling and retraining the vision ML model to boost performance, thus have their own container, "unannotaed". Once the frames are replicated in the cloud in Azure Blob Storage, Azure Machine Learning may be used to label and retrain the ML model. The confident, annotated frames in the "annotated" conatiner could be reviewed, for instance, within an Azure Web App. Code provided in this repository.

architecture of using Azure Blob Storage iot edge module with LVA

This AI module (docker container) utilizes the GPU on the Jetson (with NVIDIA drivers, CUDA and cuDNN installed) using an NVIDIA L4T (linux for Tegra) base image with TensorFlow 2 installed. The Jetson must have been flashed with Jetpack 4.4.


Xavier Setup and requirements

  • Flashed with JetPack 4.4 (L4T R32.4.3) with all ML and CV tools (including nvidia-docker)
  • Samsung NVMe to store docker images and serve as location for Blob Storage data
  • 16 GB swap file on NVMe mount
  • Azure CLI for pushing image to Azure Container Registry
  • [Optional] Docker may be configured to run with non-root user as in Manage Docker as a non-root user allowing the omission of using sudo with docker
  • As Azure IoT Edge device (will need Azure IoT Hub for this)

Azure requirements

Create the following resources:

  1. Azure Storage Account
  2. Azure Container Registry
  3. Azure IoT Hub
  4. Azure Media Services Account

Note: All of these resources should be created in the same resource group to make it easier to clean-up later. Also, all of these resources may be create in the Portal or with the Azure CLI on the command line.

Build docker AI image

The following instructions will enable you to build a docker container with a YOLOv4 (tiny) TensorFlow Lite model using nginx, gunicorn, flask, and runit. The app code is based on the tensorflow-yolov4-tflite project. This project uses TensorFlow v2.

Note: References to third-party software in this repo are for informational and convenience purposes only. Microsoft does not endorse nor provide rights for the third-party software. For more information on third-party software please see the links provided above.

Prerequisites for building image

  1. Ensure NVIDIA Docker on your Jetson
  2. Install curl
  3. Install Azure CLI to be able to push image to Azure Container Registry (ACR)

Preparing for using Blob Storage on the Edge

  1. You will need to create a local key for the Blob Edge module. Generate the local storage key with the scripts/generate_key_for_local.py or a tool like GeneratePlus.
  2. Create a file in the app/ folder called .env with the following contents:
LOCAL_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME=<Name for local blob storage in IoT edge Blob Storage module (default: annotatedimageslocal)>
LOCAL_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY=<Key you generated for local IoT edge Blob Storage module in double quotes>


Building the docker container

  1. Create a new directory on your machine and copy all the files (including the sub-folders) from this GitHub repo to that directory.
  2. Build the container image (will take several minutes) by running the following docker command from a terminal window in that directory. Use your ACR URL (i.e. .azurecr.io) as part of the tag in the command below to make it easier to push to this ACR.
sudo nvidia-docker build . -t <your ACR URL>/tiny-yolov4-tflite:arm64v8-cuda-cudnn -f arm64v8-gpu-cudnn.dockerfile

Upload docker image to Azure Container Registry

Log in to ACR with the Azure CLI (also may use docker login):

az acr login --name <name of your ACR user>

Push the image to ACR:

docker push <your ACR URL>/tiny-yolov4-tflite:arm64v8-cuda-cudnn


Deploy as an edge module for Live Video Analytics

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) will be used for the following. The following will be needed:

  1. Azure IoT Tools extension installed (search in VSCode for this)
  2. Deployment manifest file from this repo (edge-module/deployment.yolov4.gpu.jetson.blob.template.json)
  3. LVA Python console app or LVA .NET console app
  4. IDs and keys associated with Azure Resources

When the Live Video Analytics on Edge direct methods are invoked (through the LVA console app) on device with the console app, images will appear in a folder with the name of your local container e.g. /media/nvme/blob_storage/BlockBlob/annotatedimageslocal and with default deployment manifest, will stick around on device for 60 minutes as well as being uploaded to the cloud Blob Storage container (in this example, called annotated-images-yolo4).


  1. Associate the device with IoT Hub if haven't already
  2. Create a Service Principal associated with the AMS account (Manage your Azure AD app and secret)
  3. Create a .env parameters file within the edge-module folder with the following contents:
SUBSCRIPTION_ID_FOR_AMS=<Azure subscription associated with the AMS account>
RESOURCE_GROUP_FOR_AMS=<Resource Group where the AMS account resides>
AMS_ACCOUNT=<AMS account name>
IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING="<IoT Hub connection string>"
AAD_TENANT_ID=<Active Directory tenant ID>
AAD_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID=<Active Directory Service Principal ID associated with AMS>
AAD_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_SECRET="<Service Principal secret/key associated with AMS>"
INPUT_VIDEO_FOLDER_ON_DEVICE="<input video folder on device for the media server>"
OUTPUT_VIDEO_FOLDER_ON_DEVICE="<output video folder on device to sink video clips from LVA>"
OUTPUT_BLOB_FOLDER_ON_DEVICE="<output folder for Blob Storage data>"
CLOUD_STORAGE_CONN_STRING="<Azure Blob Storage cloud connection string>"
LOCAL_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME="<local Edge Storage account name>"
LOCAL_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY="<local Edge Storage account key>"

These variables, from the .env, will be automatically populated into the IoT Edge deployment manifest file after a deployment manifest file is generated from the template.

  1. Generate the deployment manifest and deploy with VSCode or the Azure CLI
  2. Run the LVA console app (Python or .NET)
  3. Monitor the device for messages from VSCode

From VSCode, messages to IoT Hub should look similar to:

[IoTHubMonitor] [1:11:41 PM] Message received from [xavier-yolov4/lvaEdge]:
  "inferences": [
      "type": "entity",
      "entity": {
        "tag": {
          "value": "car",
          "confidence": "0.43346554"
        "box": {
          "l": "0.6137574",
          "t": "0.5797131",
          "w": "0.05888599",
          "h": "0.047415733"
      "type": "entity",
      "entity": {
        "tag": {
          "value": "truck",
          "confidence": "0.33760804"
        "box": {
          "l": "0.6137574",
          "t": "0.5797131",
          "w": "0.05888599",
          "h": "0.047415733"


Flask Python web app dashboard


  1. Python 3.6+

Get started

  1. Navigate to the web-app directory.

  2. Create your environment variables as show in the example below and load them into the current terminal session.

e.g. create a .vars file for unix systems as in:

export SAS_STRING="?sv=..."
export STORAGE_ACCOUNT="storage account name"
export STORAGE_CONTAINER="private image container name"
export STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONN_STRING="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=..."

Load these variables on a unix system with:

source .vars

On Windows in the command prompt, each environment variables can be set with the following lines:

set SAS_STRING "?sv=..."
set STORAGE_ACCOUNT "storage account name"
set STORAGE_CONTAINER "private image container name"
set STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONN_STRING "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=..."
  1. Install the requirements into a dedicated conda environment or virtual environment with venv (both are a best practice) with:
# Create a conda env or virtual env first, then...
pip install -r requirements.txt

You will then need to activate the environment.

  1. Run the app with the following:
python run.py

Then, navigate in your browser to to see the web app running locally.

Deploy the web app to Azure as an App Service

You can deploy the Flask-based Python web app from the web-app folder with the Azure CLI as shown in Quickstart: Create a Python app in Azure App Service on Linux. You will need to set the same environment variables in the .vars file within the Settings --> Configuration blade in the Azure Portal under the App Service resource:

web app configuration in Azure

For POST_BUILD_COMMAND value use the following command to create your admin user with your desired properties placed in the placeholders:

flask fab create-admin --username <admin user name for login> --firstname <first name> --lastname <last name> --email <email address> --password <admin password>`

For FLASK_RUN_EXTRA_FILES place the following into the value field:


Fill in the following with the appropriate values:

  • SAS_STRING - for Storage Account level
  • STORAGE_ACCOUNT - name of account
  • STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONN_STRING - for Storage Account connection string
  • STORAGE_CONTAINER - annotated images container to watch

The final web app should look like:

final web app


Troubleshooting a running container

To troubleshoot a running container you may enter it with ssh by using the following command.

sudo docker exec -it my_yolo_container /bin/bash

For IoT Edge troubleshooting see Troubleshoot your IoT Edge device.

Azure Media Services

  1. If AMS account has changed, then on device delete and recreate the App Data Directory for AMS:
sudo rm -fr /var/lib/azuremediaservices
mdkir -p /var/lib/azuremediaservices
  • It is a good idea to then restart lvaEdge module
iotedge restart lvaEdge

Azure Blob Storage IoT Edge module

  1. Check the logs for Permission denied errors for folder on device used as container.
iotedge logs <name of your edge container e.g. azureblobstorageoniotedge>
sudo chown -R 11000:11000 <local blob directory e.g. /media/nvme/blob_storage>
  • It is a good idea to then restart lvaEdge module
iotedge restart lvaEdge


Put keys and connection strings in quotes within the files like .env and .vars.

Additional resources
