mickael234's Stars
A basic quiz web application using python flask, mysql as database, html, css, js as frontend, teacher/professor can create, read, update, delete questions, students can give test and check results & test history.
Simple E-learning (LMS) system with course, module & quiz editor also supports multiple users as student & admin. Base on Laravel 7 and Bootstrap 4.
A digital agency website template. It's free to download and easy to customize.
This is an School Management Software
Our project is restaurant management system, where we provide all the details that a manager needs to run the restaurant from ordering the food to generating bill and payment. In our project only an authorised person i.e. manager can login, He can see the data of customers and employee. He can also add, update or delete customer. We have table masters who assigns table to the customers and chef who prepares food, also main feature is we calculate the time taken to serve customer food after order is placed. And we also have preparation time for each food individually. Chef also gets bonus if he prepares food early than expected, and customers are given more discount if food is delivered to them late as reward for their patience. We allocate table based on members and table masters does that job, also customer can prebook their table. Also, we keep a record of the employee who have left their table, like which employee left and when. Menu is displayed based on categories, like food with same category are displayed together. We also have record of increase in the price or ratings, like if food price is increased then old price and new price, and also ratings of food, like which food is trending and hitting our restaurant or which food is not doing well And we generate bill automatically based on order items, and we have got many payment options like cash, card, paytm, etc.
Hospital Management System || Python Django
Blood Bank Management System || Python Django
the website for Rose-Digital company
Website for "Digital Marketing & Web Development Company"
Projet d'étude : site Web (HTML/CSS) d'une entreprise fictive
This is the dynamic e-commerce website where customer can visit page, search products, register, add to cart, purchase products with Stripe payment system and it also have admin panel where admin can add, delete, update -- post, site & user. Also we provide repairing service where user can check their offers based on their purchase.
eCommerce site using Node Express js
Site E-Commerce avec Symfony 6
Simple Ecommerce Website
An online based platform for multiple hospitals. Ability to track, monitor, and share a patient's health records between all hospitals. Patients can also see information regarding multiple hospitals and doctors, as well as take appointments via online. Pay laboratory tests via online as well as chat with appointed doctors.
Hospital management system with laravel and livewire.
Hospital management System python
Un système complet de gestion de pharmacie avec Laravel 8 pour les petites entreprises.
Projet pour la gestion d'un cabinet medical
Laravel School Management System (LAVSMS)
RosarioSIS Student Information System for school management.
School Management System PHP & MYSQL
This PHP-based open source project is a web application for booking medical appointments. Patients can use the platform to easily schedule appointments with their doctors, saving time and effort. The project's source code is open for anyone to use, modify, and distribute according to their needs.
Hospital Management System using php and mysql
It is a snake game built in flutter
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)