
TexConv on Intel GPU

Kubera-Info opened this issue · 2 comments

Would you, please, verify one problem:
1>reading Images\RV_Marble_2_baseColor.png (4096x4096 R8G8B8A8_UNORM 2D a:Opaque) as
1>[Using DirectCompute on "Intel(R) UHD Graphics 750"]
1> FAILED [compress] (887A0005: Wyst�pienie urz�dzenia GPU zosta�o zawieszone. U�yj obiektu GetDeviceRemovedReason, aby okre�li� odpowiedni� akcj�.)

This is an error on the complex .png image converted to texture BC7
On NVidia everythinhg works fine.

The problem exists on the newest app version (2021.8.2.1)

Example file:

Given the failure here, it's a driver bug. You should report the issue to Intel.

I highly appreciate the support