- 0
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when running the rewriter.
#506 opened by redknightlois - 0
- 6
Reschdule after AutoResetEvent.Set
#495 opened by aoli-al - 0
Unable to load one or more of the requested types
#491 opened by WeihanLi - 0
- 4
Potential bug with race condition
#484 opened by Ulimo - 11
Rewrite throws NullReferenceException
#336 opened by egil - 5
Exception when trying to rewrite WPF .NET 6.0 application; unable to find PresentationCore
#474 opened by loftyinclination - 0
race in updating coverage report
#464 opened by pdeligia - 2
- 13
- 3
- 0
- 0
- 4
Improve logging infrastructure when used with xUnit
#383 opened by suvamM - 2
- 9
Rewiring serializes task runs?
#334 opened by jhwj9617 - 2
Question: What are the main reasons one would choose to migrate to Coyote's async actors programming model?
#327 opened by jhwj9617 - 4
- 3
How to use the latest version?
#333 opened by eddynaka - 1
Why does coyote find no bugs in this code?
#355 opened by MaximTkachenko - 2
Question: About Coyote supporting .NET Core
#359 opened - 0
support best-effort replay with systematic fuzzing
#309 opened by pdeligia - 3
- 0
explore integration with the .NET ILogger
#256 opened by pdeligia - 9
Deadlock when using SemaphoreSlim
#368 opened by Karql - 5
coyote test failure: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
#364 opened by hroe - 0
- 0
include the test method name in the schedule file
#349 opened by pdeligia - 0
- 0
Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework
#328 opened by jhwj9617 - 2
- 1
fix aspnet WebApplicationFactory rewriting bug
#315 opened by pdeligia - 1
migrate to Google Analytics 4
#316 opened by lovettchris - 0
- 1
support best effort replay for concurrency fuzzing
#234 opened by pdeligia - 0
add new actor log API for handled exceptions
#294 opened by pdeligia - 0
- 0
- 3
dotnet tool 6.0 support.
#264 opened by blacksmith01 - 0
handle ThreadInterruptedException for aspnet
#266 opened by pdeligia - 2
give better warnings if tester detects a [Test] method without the appropriate signature
#238 opened by pdeligia - 0
expose API in testing engine to notify if the test ended due to uncontrolled concurrency
#261 opened by pdeligia - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
automated fallback to fuzzing
#235 opened by pdeligia - 0
make sure test setup methods (when multiple) are associated with correct test
#240 opened by pdeligia - 1
- 0
integration with dotnet test
#232 opened by pdeligia