- 1
Run IIS using Docker on AWS
#208 opened by mohamad-elbohsaly - 3
Container does not start if certain characters are used in environment variables
#205 opened by erenes - 1
Docker run -e (enviromental variables) not working.
#207 opened by Edgaras91 - 0
Support for IIS backup/restore
#206 opened by ccampbell-pg - 2
- 2
It doesn't work after I installed hosting bundle 8.0.1, the application show error: Could not find dotnet.exe at 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\api\dotnet' or using the system PATH environment variable.
#204 opened by mma-alterdomus - 1
- 3
Is this repository active?
#203 opened by GaTechThomas - 1
use `--user` param in iis container
#129 opened by kkbruce - 1
- 0
Bump up ServiceMonitor issue for October releases
#122 opened by shirhatti - 0
Unable to use IIS: drive in powershell
#202 opened by ryandailey21 - 2
- 2
- 0
- 0
Failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0
#193 opened by Tanoro - 1
Cannot load container in Docker on Mac OS
#185 opened by ronysamuel - 3
Docker build fails for ltsc2019
#187 opened by SergeyFilippov - 3
- 3
- 1
Image fails to run with gmsa account using --security-opt "credentialspec=" option
#175 opened by undecided2013 - 1
"verify in the browser" wrong instructions
#179 opened by MassimilianoCuccia - 0
change the default website
#180 opened by okarroo - 1
Web Applications Supported?
#155 opened by jlphillips75 - 3
- 0
Enable32bitapponwin64 fails on image iis:20190515-windowsservercore-ltsc2019
#174 opened by porrascarlos802018 - 2
Application Pools > Advance Settings
#152 opened by Ramses90 - 15
- 2
ERROR: Failed to start or query status of service 'w3svc' error, while setting IIS Web Application authentication
#146 opened by StephenMolloy - 4
ServiceMonitor 'APPCMD failed with error code 183' @ docker start for aspnet:4.7.2-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
#148 opened by liberdis - 1
Deleting Default Web Site Broke Container
#150 opened by josh-mclean - 1
"Verify in browser" docs need updating
#145 opened by daschott - 2
APPCMD failed with error code 4312
#157 opened by dropsonic - 1
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APPCMD failed with error code 4312
#161 opened by StasClick - 0
Execute script for dynamic content
#197 opened by rcass1 - 1
Environment variables not set if call early
#176 opened by iskiselev - 2
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Anyone get Application Initialization working?
#156 opened by Tim-Co - 2
Its not running on the top of linux docker is containers right this docker images not working
#170 opened by KarthikKumarBA - 5
Problems with Install-WindowsFeature
#172 opened by yuriipaneiko - 1
I can't download from ubuntu iis image
#165 opened by sergius76 - 1
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- 3 application logs to std out
#153 opened by sumantfordev - 1
Nano Server image for 1809?
#149 opened by sixeyed - 1
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How to install smtp feature?
#126 opened by gprashanthkumar