- 2019mohamedProteinea
- alshedivatNew York, NY
- altriasjy31m78
- amoreheadUniversity of Missouri
- ANakaScience Corporation
- anar-rzayevEPFL
- arneschneuingEPFL
- bio-rat
- Ced3-hanPeking University
- chaitjoUniversity of Cambridge
- chengtan9907Zhejiang University & Westlake University
- diegovalenzuelaiturra@TeselaGen
- engelbergerDataRoot
- fly51flyPRIS
- gongshuai0606
- GRAPH-0Beihang University; CUHK
- huhlimBristol Myers Squibb
- invemichele-peptone@PeptoneLtd
- jackmsimonWilliams College
- jasonkyuyimMIT
- katielink@huggingface
- KSUN63UC Berkeley Chem
- lsj2408Peking University @microsoft
- marcosfelt@Merck
- mrauha
- munozariasjm
- naeflVantAI
- PeldomWestlake University
- Poko18National Institute of Chemistry
- smsharmaAnthropic
- tkersey@thisisartium
- ValavancaDresden, Germany
- yhw-yhwHedra
- yktsndJapan
- zhengzx-nlpShanghai, China
- ZurichoChinese University of Hong Kong