- agentmorrisGoogle AI for Nature and Society
- AkramzMicrosoft
- AndrewAnnexSETI Institute
- auroraImage Professionals GmbH
- BrownsugarZeerNTUT
- calebrob6Microsoft
- cheginitPurdue University
- chillandMaxar Technologies
- danielz02Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- dsmatthewsAustralia
- eminb61University of California, Berkeley
- fly51flyPRIS
- forestbat
- geoexploring
- GMoncrieff@thenatureconservancy
- guidoriceRegrow Ag
- hfangcat
- jbkopeckyParis
- jbousquinU.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- jirvin16
- Li-QingyunHIT & @OpenGVLab
- macaodhaUniversity of Edinburgh
- mbjoseph@planetlabs
- miquel-espinosa
- mmattamalaUniversity of Oxford
- motokimuraJapan
- nilslehTUM
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
- RubenGres@IGNF
- sokazakiTokyo, Japan
- unverciftciMath & AI Institute
- UpstatePedro
- wep21
- YangPanHZAUWuHan university
- yangxue0827Researcher@PJLab, PhD@SJTU