- 0
ImportError: DLL load failed: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.
#373 opened by manobendro - 2
Could not identify NUMA node of platform GPU ID 0, defaulting to 0. Your kernel may not have been built with NUMA support.
#403 opened by jfrozas - 1
RC astro tool operations not supported in DirectML
#415 opened by chengdkf - 1
It's not working on Intel Graphics 5500
#398 opened by sabbir2609 - 7
TensorFlow-DirectML Does Not Exist
#407 opened by NickDeBeenSAE - 0
- 0
python newer versions support
#410 opened by AidinHamedi - 1
- 0
CPU instructions notification after installing
#409 opened by Petros626 - 0
Does directml support multi-GPU training
#406 opened by meyert11 - 0
Is it not supports the amd gpus without rocm?
#405 opened by HoYoUp - 1
unbox expects Dml at::Tensor as inputs
#404 opened by mengdalida - 1
Use c api to load pb models
#400 opened by argman - 1
session run crashed when runing on nvidia gpu
#402 opened by argman - 0
how to set the default device using cAPI?
#401 opened by argman - 5
Cannot assign a device for operation embedding/embeddings/Initializer/random_uniform/
#379 opened by KaganSenturk - 10
- 1
directml on custom tensoflow build ?
#381 opened by Akash7789 - 3
Not able to use my own callbacks
#376 opened by funky-soul - 2
AMD APU support?
#378 opened by zabique - 1
Tensorflow-directml is not making any difference in processing times in GPU vs CPU
#377 opened by pkumar-a - 10
- 5
LSTM 8x slow on gpu
#367 opened by onurberkay - 7
Validation accuracy not improving?
#213 opened by aquilaadrian - 0
#372 opened by yigedabuliu - 2
No device assignments were active
#365 opened by xiaomengxin123 - 3
Is multi-gpu training available?
#352 opened by limapedro - 1
- 0
Caffe Model in AMD GPU
#353 opened by dan-developer - 0
OpenAI baselines very slow
#351 opened by MatPoliquin - 5
Tensorflow 2 support (?)
#107 opened by masc-it - 7
Latest TensorFlow-DirectML C API package
#135 opened by boyedarat - 4
why /DML:0 instead of /GPU:0 ?
#225 opened by iperov - 6
- 3
Adam (and some others) optimizers not working
#286 opened by bwintertkb - 9
Help Needed on Out of Memory Issue
#294 opened by vt911001 - 1
- 7
Use Tensorflow-directml in RStudio
#203 opened by R470R - 1
- 2
update pypi project?
#222 opened by iperov - 8
- 0
Is there a way to use it with R
#267 opened by R470R - 2
How to get devices names?
#223 opened by iperov - 5
How to build TF C++ custom operators for TF-DML?
#166 opened by ghostplant - 3
New update doesn't show GPU Usage
#134 opened by limapedro - 7
CrossFire & MultiGPU & GPU workload
#90 opened by YuriyTigiev - 2
Huge performance difference between onnxruntime and tensorflow-directml runtime
#87 opened by Coderx7 - 4
Multi gpu DML?
#70 opened by TashaSkyUp - 11
fit with split produces error
#69 opened by TashaSkyUp - 2