
Announcing the Azure IoT Edge tool offerings in maintenance mode

konichi3 opened this issue · 1 comments

As Azure IoT Edge product continues to evolve with new features and updated version to the LTS 1.4 (Long term service), one of our goals is to ensure we deliver consistent ways to develop, debug and test Azure IoT Edge modules on various version of Azure IoT Edge.

To best support the consistency across heterogenous developer environments and requirements, we have now published a new documentation which describes how to develop, debug and test Azure IoT Edge modules using command line interface.
This is a new recommended way to develop Azure IoT Edge modules.

With this new way, effective immediately, we are putting these product offering in maintenance mode where we are making minimum updates/changes to the products moving forward. Note that these products will continue to be available via either Marketplace or GitHub release pages.

These product are:
Azure IoT Edge extension to Visual Studio Code
Azure IoT Edge extension to Visual Studio 2019/2022
IoTEdgeHubDev tool
Azure DevOps pipeline for IoT Edge

thank you,
Azure IoT Edge team

These modules are still part of the AZ 220 Renewal material on Microsoft Learn.