Pinned issues
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- 0
Azure Account extension that Azure IoT Edge extension depends on for authentication will be deprecated in January 2025
#665 opened by alexweininger - 2
When generating the config json. The docker image does not get set correctly
#664 opened by AnOdyssey - 1
Replace `iotedgehubdev` with the new `iotedgedev`
#660 opened by paule96 - 2
Edge Simulator exits after starting simulation
#641 opened by Vic152 - 1
Dev container fails to start on M1 Mac
#634 opened by whakey - 1
- 1
- 1
Deployment template schemaVersion 1.4 causes EdgeAgent and EdgeHub failure
#656 opened by PatAltimore - 1
Possibility to use Podman instead of Docker
#655 opened by barrouh - 1
- 1
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- 2
- 0
- 3
- 2
- 5
- 1
- 2
Change Deprecated Call on Python Module
#592 opened by asergaz - 2
Generation of deployment manifest gives just not helpful error "Unexpected token in JSON at position 0"
#593 opened by Clemens85 - 2
- 2
- 2
- 1
Azure Stream analytics on Edge has issues when I send data to the Azure SQL server PaaS database.
#582 opened by abbaasalif - 1
Support virtual workspaces
#579 opened by lszomoru - 1
Support Workspace Trust
#576 opened by lszomoru - 4
Setup IoT Edge Simulator failed
#574 opened by yalaas - 4
Windows Defender report Trojan:Win32/Zpevdo.B !!!
#573 opened by micli - 1
Detected as a threat by windows defender
#570 opened by baywet - 5
Add non-build files to Azure IoT Edge modules
#566 opened by sharbt - 5
- 2
- 3
Failed to execute script pyi_rth_pkgres
#564 opened by grtn316 - 4
- 6
Can not Build and Run IoT Edge Simulator
#553 opened by ASantini - 1
- 3
Trojan detected in one of the components
#551 opened by andrepodnozov - 2
Cannot show other deployment template file when adding module from command palette
#547 opened by shizn - 2
Adopt VS Code's 'asWebviewUri' API
#545 opened by mjbvz - 8
Dockerfile.arm32v7 - incorrect image causing failure
#543 opened by kpakur - 3
"invalid signtaure" blocking update
#542 opened by rpus - 4
Unable to compile using RPi.GPIO using VS Code
#534 opened by orionJag - 5
Issues with BuildOptions
#529 opened by Walobyte - 2
- 4
Dockerfiles: Moving from microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk to
#520 opened by kiranpradeep - 0
[event grid]create options have gaps with marketplace
#516 opened by czgtest - 4
Reminder user to run "Azure IoT Edge: Setup IoT Edge Simulator" instead of "iotedgehubdev setup -c"
#517 opened by czgtest - 3
Cross Compile module for arm32v7 on Windows
#512 opened by jlorek