
Software tools for the stereo camera pair of the Sistemas Embarcados de Vistoria (SEV) project. INESC TEC

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Software tools for the project Sistemas Embarcados de Vistoria (SEV). We refer to the hardware platform as RustBot because the AVT Mako cameras look kind of rusty (sorry for the lack of creativity).

If you want to use windows for connecting to the sensor check out this repository

Table of Contents

The Robot

The RustyBot is a stereo vision system with two AVT Mako cameras mounted on a plate. The baseline is around 0.1 meters, and the cameras are horizontally aligned. Here's a picture of the system


Quick Start

  • Connect all inter-cables (processing unit box <--> gimbal camera box), 2 POE ethernets, 1 USB, and 1 Power Cable

  • Connect the power cable to the processing unit box.

  • Wait until gimbal camera box stop of bipping (attention the gimbal camera box must be keep stable for the gyro calibration)

  • Connection of an external PC

  • Option 1, connection with wifi hotspot

    • Connect the WiFi access point (TP-LINK), if there is available internet by ethernet connect the ethernet cable and then the the power transformer.
    • Connect your PC to the WiFi Hot-spot with SEVsys name
    • The processing unit box (NUC pc) has the IP on the SEVsys
  • Option 2, connection with ethernet cable

    • Connect an Ethernet cable from your laptop to the processing unit box (Pay attentio there are two POE ethernet and only one normal ethernet)
    • Set a static IP address (the NUC computer has ip, so use for example)
    • Ping the NUC Computer to see if everything is ok, i.e. ping
  • IF using LINUX

    • Launch the ssh connection ssh sev@ (the password is written in a sticker on the NUC computer)
  • IF using Windows

    • Install Putty
    • Connect ssh to NUC computer
  • Start the recording (using SSH)



roslaunch rustbot_bringup all.launch do_stereo:=false do_slam:=false online_stereo:=true do_gps:=true do_accumulation:=false do_fusion:=false do_zmq_publish:=false fps:=5
roslaunch rustbot_bringup record_raw.launch only_raw_data:=true


  • Start the recording (using Windows [SEV-Visualizer.exe] (https://github.com/carlosmccosta/RustBotCSharp))
  • In Putty
    roslaunch rustbot_bringup all.launch do_stereo:=true do_slam:=true online_stereo:=true do_gps:=true do_accumulation:=false    do_fusion:=false do_zmq_publish:=true fps:=5
  • In SEV-Visualizer.exe
    • To visualize the camera images
      • Configure the Publisher IP ( NUC computer IP)
      • Click Start Streaming ( If connection is sucessfull you should see the two images of the cameras in the Windows Gui)
    • To record rosbag remotly
      • Configure Recording server host (NUC computer IP)
      • Insert username and password (see label on the Sensor Box)
      • Click Start Recording ( The bag will be recorded in the NUC computer in the Desktop SEV folder)


Install the openssh server

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Install the ros_imresize ros pakcage

cd ~/catkin_src/src
git clone https://github.com/miguelriemoliveira/ros_imresize

First, the Vimba sdk must be downloaded and compiled. We will refer to the folder where the sdk is installed as $(Vimba_2_0).

You may download this sdk from https://www.alliedvision.com/en/products/software.html. Then follow the installation instructions in $(Vimba_2_0)/Documentation/ReleaseNotes.txt to install the sdk.

After that, the ros vimba wrapper at http://wiki.ros.org/avt_vimba_camera should work. So install the ros wrapper

git clone https://github.com/srv/avt_vimba_camera.git

Install ZMQ Python

sudo apt-get install python-zmq

and google protocol buffers

sudo apt-get install python-protobuf

Also you should run

sudo pip install --upgrade protobuf

To use windows based control, you must install the scripts that windows will use through a non-interactive ssh tunnel. First you need to make sure the .rosrc file is propperly configured by changing to the ros distro you have.

Then, run:

roscd rustbot_bringug && cd ../scripts
bash ./install_scripts.bash

If asked to replace say yes.

Install VISO2

$ cd src
$ wstool init
$ wstool set viso2 --git git://github.com/srv/viso2.git
$ wstool update

Install aerial maps visualization in rviz


Install ekf filter

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-robot-pose-ekf ros-indigo-gps-common ros-indigo-robot-localization


To start the complete stereo system, just run

roslaunch rustbot_bringup all.launch fps:=4 do_stereo:=true do_slam:=true

To launch a single camera use

roslaunch rustbot_bringup left_camera.launch

Connecting via ssh

To connect to the remote NUC computer

  1. Connect an Ethernet cable from your laptop to the switch inside the sensor's box
  2. Set a static IP address (the NUC computer has ip, so use for example)
  3. Ping the NUC Computer to see if everything is ok, i.e. ping
  4. Launch the ssh connection ssh sev@ (the password is written in a sticker on the NUC computer)

Note that whenever your ssh tunnel will execute some visual interface application you should start the ssh connection with the -X option, as seen bellow:

  1. Launch the ssh connection ssh sev@ -X (the password is written in a sticker on the NUC computer)


Start the system without the stero processing

roslaunch rustbot_bringup all.launch do_stereo:=false do_slam:=false do_gps:=false do_zmq_publish:=false

then startup de calibration

rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py --size 7x5 --square 0.03 right:=/stereo/right/image_raw left:=/stereo/left/image_raw right_camera:=/stereo/right left_camera:=/stereo/left --approximate=0.05

Tunning Stereo Parameters

Read this tutorial.

To tune the parameters of the stereo algorithm, run

roslaunch rustbot_bringup all.launch fps:=3 config_stereo:=true 

if you are running from a rosbag file:

roslaunch rustbot_bringup all.launch config_stereo:=true online_stereo:=false do_gps:=false

and then

roslaunch rustbot_bringup visualize.launch 

Then you can change the parameters an see the effect they have in the disparity map / point cloud in real time. If you reached a set of parameters you would like to save, do the following:

roscd rustbot_calibration/calibration/ && rosparam dump stereo_image_proc.yaml /stereo/stereo_image_proc

Saving a Bag File

The following commands should be executed from the NUC computer. Thus, if you want to run from a laptop, use an ssh connection as explained in section Connecting via ssh.

To record raw data we must first launch the camera drivers (no need to run stereo processing, since this will be done offline)

roslaunch rustbot_bringup all.launch do_stereo:=false do_slam:=false online_stereo:=true do_gps:=true do_accumulation:=false do_fusion:=false do_zmq_publish:=false fps:=5

Then, to record messages, run

roslaunch rustbot_bringup record_raw.launch

After stopping (using Ctrl-X) the recorder node, the bag file can be found on the desktop, with the date and hour, e.g., sev_2016-11-24-14-48-30.bag.

By default all messages are saved but the rosbags are quite big. If you want to save only raw data, i.e., wihtout stereo + slam processing, run

roslaunch rustbot_bringup record_raw.launch only_raw_data:=true

Playing Back Data

roslaunch rustbot_bringup playback.launch bag:=/home/sev/Desktop/sev_2016-11-03-12-27-31.bag

Note: if your bagfile does not contain odometry you can download a dummy odometry from here. Then just publish it in addition to the other bags:

rosbag play GPS_IMU_2016-06-14-17-01-59.bag -l

Note2: if your bagfile does not contain odometry info, you can publish dummy /odom messages by running:

rostopic pub /odom nav_msgs/Odometry <then press tab tab and the message will be filled> -r 10

Important: If running the rqt_bag, you must press the right mouse button over all topics in the bag file and select play. Otherwise, the topics are not published.

Stereo and SLAM from a Bagfile

First, you must be playing back recorded data. See section Playing Back Data

To run the stereo

roslaunch rustbot_bringup all.launch do_stereo:=true do_slam:=true online_stereo:=false do_gps:=false

with accumulation

roslaunch rustbot_bringup all.launch do_stereo:=true do_slam:=true online_stereo:=false do_gps:=false do_accumulation:=true

Now you should receive both disparity images /stereo/disparity as well as point clouds /stereo/points2

Publishing Data Using ZMQ

Note that in order for this node to work, there must be some node publishing images and point clouds. This can be done online (not yet funcional) or offline.

To publish images offline follow sections Playing Back Data to publish the recorded images, and also section Stereo and SLAM from a Bagfile to publish the disparity maps and the point clouds.

To launch the ZMQ publisher, do:

rosrun rustbot_translation sev_publisher.py

Now launch the ZMQ test subscriber (in Ubuntu python) to see if any images are received:

rosrun rustbot_translation sev_listener.py

If the listener receives images, so should the C# application called RustBotCSharp as long as its propperly configured.

Finding IP Address of Cameras

If the network has no dhcp service, the cameras fall back to a default ip address, which is: Left Camera Right Camera NUC computer, select "SEV local network" in the network manager

To find out the ip address and the id of your cameras. From the $(VimbaPath)/examples/ListCamera folder, run

cd $(Vimba_2_0)

You shoud see the VimbaViewer gui with all connected cameras with their id (guid). If no cameras appear then you may be in a foreign subnet, i.e. have an ipaddress in a different segment. In this case run

cd $(Vimba_2_0)
sudo -E /Tools/Viewer/Bin/x86_64bit/VimbaViewer

and you should see the cameras


Select a camera and then, on the right side pane, select All propperties and search for "IP Address" to find out the the ip address.


You may edit the file launch/mono_camera.launch and

By setting the correct guid and ip of your camera.

You can get the guid and ip of your camera by using the ListCamera or VimbaViewer binaries in


ZeroMQ + Google Protocol Buffers Tutorial

To launch the publisher

rosrun rustbot_translation example_publisher.py

and to receive the subscriber

rosrun rustbot_translation example_listener.py

Compile Google Protocol Buffers Messages

To compile all the required messages use the script:

roscd rustbot_translation && ./compile_proto.sh

If you want the compile individual mesages for python use something like:

roscd rustbot_translation
protoc -I=./msgs -I=/home/mike/workingcopy/protoc-3.1.0-linux-x86_64/include/google/protobuf/ --python_out=src/ msgs/SEVData.proto

This assumes you have the protoc version 3 binaries in /home/mike/workingcopy/protoc-3.1.0-linux-x86_64/

You may download here.

Add a link to this version of protoc.

mkdir ~/bin && ln -s ~/workingcopy/protoc-3.1.0-linux-x86_64/bin/protoc protoc

Make sure the ~/bin folder is the first in your path, otherwise you may be using another version of protoc. You may confirm this with

protoc --version

See this for additional info.

Update pen-wifi drivers after kernel uptade

 cd ~/workingcopy/mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916
 sudo make install

more: http://criis-projects.inesctec.pt/issues/2496

Copy bag files to local computer (Ubuntu)

To copy the bag files from the NUC computer to a local file, first connect to the wireless network as described in section Quick start

Then, select Places -- Connect to Server. Then, add


Drag and drop the bag file to the place you want on your local computer.

Fix a rosbag file (bags collected before 14-12-2016)

Bag files collected before 14-12-2016 had a conflit with the same tf frames being published by slam and mavros. You can "fix" them by removing the tfs published by mavros:

rosbag filter original.bag fixed.bag '(topic=="/stereo/left/image_raw/compressed" or topic =="/stereo/left/image_color/compressed" or topic=="/stereo/left/camera_info" or topic=="/stereo/right/image_raw/compressed" or topic=="/stereo/right/image_color/compressed" or topic=="/stereo/right/camera_info" or topic=="/mavros/global_position/raw/fix" or topic=="/mavros/imu/data" or topic=="/mavros/imu/data_raw" or topic=="/mavros/global_position/raw/gps_vel" or topic=="/mavros/global_position/raw/global" or topic=="/stereo_odometry" or topic=="/stereo/points2") or (topic=="/tf" and m.transforms[0].header.frame_id!="map")'

Getting a bagfile with only raw data from a complete bagfile

Assume you have a bag file (complete.bag) with all the system messages. You will have also messages on topics /stereo/points2 and /stereo_camera/odometry. These messages are produced by the processing of the stereo and SLAM nodes respectivelly.

It is possible to extract from the complete.bag a rawdata.bag. To do this, execute:

rosbag filter sev_2016-12-14-12-19-55_fixed.bag sev_2016-12-14-12-19-55_fixed_raw2.bag  'topic=="/stereo/left/image_raw/compressed" or topic =="/stereo/left/image_color/compressed" or topic=="/stereo/left/camera_info" or topic=="/stereo/right/image_raw/compressed" or topic=="/stereo/right/image_color/compressed" or topic=="/stereo/right/camera_info" or topic=="/mavros/global_position/raw/fix" or topic=="/mavros/imu/data" or topic=="/mavros/imu/data_raw" or topic=="/mavros/global_position/raw/gps_vel" or topic=="/mavros/global_position/raw/global" or (topic=="/tf" and m.transforms[0].header.frame_id!="odom" and m.transforms[0].header.frame_id!="odom_vehicle" and m.transforms[0].child_frame_id!="odom" and m.transforms[0].child_frame_id!="odom_vehicle")'

Note: if you have a bagfile collected before 14-12-2016 you may want to fix it first (see Fix a rosbag file (bags collected before 14-12-2016) ).

##Correcting the frame id of IMU data

roscd rustbot_translation/
 python rosbag_correct_imu_frame.py -i /home/sev/Desktop/sev_2016-12-14-12-19-55_fixed_raw2.bag -o /home/sev/Desktop/sev_2016-12-14-12-19-55_fixed_raw2_imu.bag

Evaluating Odometry Errors

You must first launch the normal playback and stereo+slam processing, i.e. see Playing Back Data and Stereo and SLAM from a Bagfile

Then, launch:

roslaunch rustbot_bringup evaluate_odom_error.launch