ROS2 Issues
Closed this issue · 3 comments
mikeferguson commented
Major systems:
- arm gravity comp
- base controller
- follow joint trajectory (arm, arm w/ torso, head)
- point head controller
- head camera (mostly working - could use refinement)
- teleop
- calibration
- navigation2
- moveit2
Dependencies to be ported to ROS2:
- openni2_camera (mostly working)
- robot_controllers_msgs
- robot_controllers_interface
- robot_controllers - ported, still need to test cartesian, some updates to params expected
- robot_calibration_msgs
- robot_calibration
- ubr_drivers - joint states and imu are publishing. controllers that are ported run
- ubr1_bringup - need to add calibration parameters
- ubr1_description
- ubr_msgs
- ubr_teleop
Dependencies not in debs:
- robot_calibration
- robot_calibration_msgs
- laser_proc
- urg_c
- urg_node_msgs
- urg_node
mikeferguson commented
Navigation2 is mostly working, to resolve:
- Add head camera (either tilt head script, maybe also Fetch Depth Layer)
- Tune controller a bit
mikeferguson commented
- Integrate the IMU into odometry with robot_localization
mikeferguson commented
- ubr1_navigation needs a dependency on python3-transforms3d (will need a rosdep key for the apt package)