
Delete your old tweets and favorites

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Delete your old tweets and favorites using the Twitter API.

tidytwitter tweets

deletes all of your tweets that are older than --days (default: 60) except those that you have favorited yourself or have more than --favorite-threshold favorites (default: 20).

tidytwitter favorites

deletes all of your favorties that are older than --days (default: 60) except those that are of your own tweets.

tidytwitter both

deletes both tweets and favorites.

See tidytwitter --help, tidytwitter tweets --help and tidytwitter favorites --help for more.

The idea to preserve self-favorited tweets is stolen with thanks from a script by Chris Albon.


pip install tidytwitter

Create a new project in your Twitter developer account and get the key, secret, access token and access token secret.

You can either export those as environment variables:

export TIDYTWITTER_API_KEY="your_api_key"
export TIDYTWITTER_API_SECRET="your_api_secret"
export TIDYTWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN="your_access_token"
export TIDYTWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="your_access_token_secret"

or pass them as command line options (--api-key, etc., see --help).

Shell completion

You can optionally enable shell completion by running the appropriate command for your shell:

eval "$(_TIDYTWITTER_COMPLETE=bash_source tidytwitter)" >> ~/.bashrc # bash
eval "$(_TIDYTWITTER_COMPLETE=zsh_source tidytwitter)" >> ~/.zshrc  # zsh
_TIDYTWITTER_COMPLETE=fish_source foo-bar > ~/.config/fish/completions/tidytwitter.fish  # fish

Automation with Github

See tidytwitter-cron.