
Run tidytwitter every day using Github Actions

Run tidytwitter every day using Github Actions

tidytwitter is a python script that deletes your old tweets and favorites.

This repository demonstrates the use of Github Actions to run it every 24 hours (or as often as you like).


  1. Create a copy of this repository using the template

  2. Go to Settings then Secrets then "New repository secret" and add the following secrets (as documented in the tidytwitter README):

  3. Trigger the workflow manually (see "Actions") to check it works. You should see something like this after a minute or so.

And you're done. tidytwitter will run every day at 05:00 UTC (change that line if you want it to run at a different time).


There is nothing special about tidytwitter. You can use Github actions to run pretty much any light weight recurring job, including those that take backups. This happens to be an unusually simple example, but take a look at Git scraping for sophisticated stateful examples. real-estate-scrape is one of mine.