
Debian packaging files for stm32plus


Debian packaging files for stm32plus. If you just want to access the resultant debs, please see the launchpad PPA.

Publishing to Launchpad

Better instructions coming soon, but in short:

  • Create a workspace directory.

  • Set an env var with the version you are releasing:

  • Clone this repo to a path like stm32plus-x.y.z:

    git clone https://github.com/mikepurvis/stm32plus-debian stm32plus-$VER
  • Download the stm32plus source tarball for the version to release, and extract it, overwriting the files from this repo:

    wget https://github.com/andysworkshop/stm32plus/archive/$VER.tar.gz -O stm32plus_$VER.orig.tar.gz
    tar xvzf stm32plus_$VER.orig.tar.gz
  • Now inside the workspace/stm32plus-x.y.z/debian folder:

    • run dch, and edit the changelog accordingly.
    • run generate to create the templated rules file.
  • In the stm32plus-x.y.z folder, build the source package, and upload it to the PPA:

    debuild -S
    dput ppa:clearpath-robotics/stm32

To run a local build, instead do:

debuild -uc -us

When complete, commit your changes back to this repo:

git checkout .gitignore README.md
git add .
git commit -m "Changes for $VER"