
Investigate adding config to disable SSL validation

mikerochip opened this issue · 3 comments

Using websocket-sharp works for non-WebGL to bypass the mono bug where cert validation callbacks are not properly called. Experimental branch here.

There is no great workaround for JavaScript outside of using a Node websocket library with rejectUnauthorized: true.

This library may become become bloated with the inclusion of these two things. Will have to ponder this more.

Hi there, apologies for reviving this after almost a year!

Thank you very much for the references, they were very helpful.
I had this exact situation but actually managed to fix it by setting a custom ServicePointManager CertificatePolicy.
See gist for code snippets.

Hope this helps!

No need to apologize! I wish WebGL had a decent path to a solution, but at least with the technique you discovered I won't have to vendor websocket-sharp for the DotNet path. I really appreciate it, thank you!